The Wanda conspiracy thread

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
While I am a big supporter of the Iron Maidens (in a fannish sort of way), I can't help but wonder...

Who is Wanda anyways?!?

Is she a mythical beast that only makes appearances at IM gigs? She never posts here, and there is absolutely no information on the Iron Maidens webpage about her!

Except for one or two 'press shots', all the pics of her playing are fuzzy at best. Heck, that could be Steve Harris playing and not Wanda; that hair hides so much...

I've been doing some digging on the web, and as soon as I get my 'evidence' uploaded I will post it here...

This message brought to you by the Mr Toast Ministry Of Disinformation
Maybe she got bored of the whole kingmaking thing and decided to lay low for a while?

You can find more about Wanda, the mystery bassist, by clicking on the bio page. Click on Mel for now, we're still ironing out a niche, but it'll take you there, my friend!!!!! Enjoy! The knowledge you seek awaits you!!! ;)
Steal the thunder out of MY conspiracy thread, will ya!?!

That's OK. I have a whole dossier of (mis)information here that I will be sharing anyways.

The Truth is out there
or at least Mr Toast's version of it...

Wanda can't keep silent forever... we have ways of making her talk!!!

Note to Linda - Thanks very much for that treasure trove of info there! Now my photoshop madness has a template to work from ;)
Originally posted by Mr Toast
Wanda can't keep silent forever... we have ways of making her talk!!!

Yeah, but I have ways of making her talk faster... :p

Is it safe? :spin:
Or maybe a Starfury pilot who got lost in a time vortex somewhere?


What is she hiding?!?

Fellow thread viewers: Apologies for the slightly less than stellar photochop work... more detailed pictures of Wanda would be nice, but I have to work with what I can grab...
Originally posted by Mr Toast
Or maybe a Starfury pilot who got lost in a time vortex somewhere?


What is she hiding?!?

Perhaps she is hiding the fact that she is a member of the USS Nostromo and they are bringing back a flock of aliens? :eek:
Yes, I have been wondering about her, too. I have bben wondering who could possibly fill in for Mel?
Hey, Toast - dude, that is some pretty good artistry there. You keep on cut'n & past'n!!!!!!.
Hello Everyone,

It's me, Wanda. Yes... I really do exist. I wasn't sure whether or not it would be appropriate to post on the message board as the new bass player until everything was "official" I thought I'd play it safe by waiting. Also..if I wouldn't have waited I wouldn't have had an opportunity to see Mr. Toasts imaginative creations below. :) Anyway, hello again everyone. I'm glad to be a part of this unique project.
Originally posted by Steph Harris
Hello Everyone,

It's me, Wanda. Yes... I really do exist. I wasn't sure whether or not it would be appropriate to post on the message board as the new bass player until everything was "official" I thought I'd play it safe by waiting. Also..if I wouldn't have waited I wouldn't have had an opportunity to see Mr. Toasts imaginative creations below. :) Anyway, hello again everyone. I'm glad to be a part of this unique project.


Your Baptism by Photoshop into the Maidens was long overdue! I'm sorry it took me so long to get to it... but I needed material (pics) to work with first...

I feel so priveleged to put my energies to use for a gal that can play both Big Orra and Mars: Bringer Of War depending on her mood!

BTW, I'm not done yet... I still need to pick a Maiden piece to incorporate you into!
Hello Wanda!
Welcome to the board, to the band, to the... the whatever! ;)

I'm afraid I won't be able to see a Maidens gig for quite some time, so I just hope to be able to grab a video of a gig with you one day!

Up the Maidens! :rock: