"The Weakest Link" thread


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Can you think of a band where if it wasn't for one particular band member, you would rank them so much higher?

Yesterday, for reasons unknown, I took a Dream Theater CD off my shelf. It was "Scenes of a Memory". This is the ONLY DT CD I own so I'm no expert on the band, but I must say, the music is awesome. It actually made me want to listen to some Queensryche. Besides, there's no doubting the Jon Pettruci and Portnoy combination here and they seem to refrain from usual prog-wankery (at least on this disc).

But my good goat, James Labrie should absolutely have been clubbed at birth. I cannot believe this guy gets a free pass. He IS the weakest link.
will think so some less obvious ones ... but Lars for the last decade and .5
But my good goat, James Labrie should absolutely have been clubbed at birth. I cannot believe this guy gets a free pass. He IS the weakest link.

From a similar discussion in GMD:

LaBrie is indeed the perfect singer for D.T., i accept the fact that he is weak when performing live (he can't hit a high pitched note to save his life), at least he was like that even in 1998 when i first saw them live, but he has made some outstanding pieces of singing in the albums. His performances are totally attached to the songs, like them or not, some of them even make the songs and increase their quality. Noone could think any other singer in his place. For anyone who declares that he sucks and he is unworthy and bla bla bla i have three words to say: Space Dye Vest (and three bonus words : One Last Time).

Since you mentioned "Scenes..." i would add "The Spirit Carries On" to the other 2 songs.

Can't think of anyone on the thread subject, but i will....SOON.
i don't think LaBrie is the weakest link ... i think the rest of the band is ... everyone was amazing on IAW ... but then they went off into cacophony land
LaBrie would have been my first choice. I suspect I'd be a complete Dream Theater fan boy if it wasn't for his vocals.

And this one is going to catch me a lot of shit, but I'd be all over Mercyful Fate if it weren't for King Diamond. I like some of King's later work, but his early work can be tough to take. I happened to have my iPod on shuffle, when "Bell Witch" came on. I was shocked by just how well these guys play. King's voice is so demanding of the listener's attention, that it can be difficult to appreciate what's going on behind it.

Yep, that's why Mercyful Fate are not among my favorite bands of the 80's. If his vocal stylings back then were like those used on say "Puppet Master" today, it would've been a completely different story.

I sort of agree.

Both Melissa and Don't Break the Oath are exceptional releases, but I definitely can live without any other MF. It doesn't even come close to those two releases.

Also, while I agree that Abigail and Them are great albums, I also believe that people hail only these through some knee-jerk reaction. To put it simply, The Puppet Master is wholly underrated. It is where all the best KD elements RE-converged into one: vocals, musicianship, and most importantly, song writing.

By the way, if you like The Puppet Master style of KD, you really need to spend some time with The Eye. :kickass:
I dunno if this qualifys, but half the metalcore bands out there have at least 1-2 good members that make the music semi-interesting until the vocals come on. If we break up every metalcore band, splice the members and form a band from them, it'd probably be a pretty decent band.

But a band I actually listen too... Vreid. Their producer is the weakest link. Had to see them live to really get it, but the albums lack a bottom end. The guitars just sound weak at times. Live, it's corrected entirely and amazing. On album, it's kind of weak.
I dunno if this qualifys, but half the metalcore bands out there have at least 1-2 good members that make the music semi-interesting until the vocals come on. If we break up every metalcore band, splice the members and form a band from them, it'd probably be a pretty decent band.

You often wonder why they waste their talents making such drivel. The other day I was sampling through a Black Dhalia Murder album and thought 'what a waste'.

But a band I actually listen too... Vreid. Their producer is the weakest link. Had to see them live to really get it, but the albums lack a bottom end. The guitars just sound weak at times. Live, it's corrected entirely and amazing. On album, it's kind of weak.

I actually like that metallic sound. Their debut was like a phoenix rising from Windir's ashes, totally unexpected, and with quite possibly the worst cover art in the history of heavy metal.
But my good goat, James Labrie should absolutely have been clubbed at birth. I cannot believe this guy gets a free pass. He IS the weakest link.

I can't really think of any other singer that could sing in DT. LaBrie fits the mold perfectly IMO
I thought about it. However, I chose not to for two reasons. First, you can't remove Quorthon from Bathory, as he was Bathory. Second, the vocals aren't my only issue with Bathory.


the unholy amazing guitar work must drive you nuts am I right?"!1?!?

............./NOT (borta)

damn I'm drunki
I'd say the singer on Dragonforce ruins it for me everytime.

tough thread, I'll need to think about it tomorrow