The "What are you doing RIGHT now?" thread

I'm sitting around the house recuperating from this fucking cold. I drank a beer today, so that was good. Hopefully I'll be able to consume more amounts in a couple of hours? But, other than that, I'm listening to Goatwhore, browsing the forum, and chatting on ICQ. Fun? :ill:
Laughing at an interesting relic I dug up in a pile of old books.

I found my "Morality" notebook from my Junior Year in highschool. (from about 4 years ago)

I went to a Catholic highschool so I had horrible religion classes shoved down my throat.

I can see how bored I was in that class. On the brown back of the notebook there are over a million Children of Bodom, Iced Earth, Nevermore, Emperor, In Flames, Pantera, Fear Factory, Pentagrams, and Skulls drawn on the back of it.

:lol: I don't remeber that class much at all I was asleep or drawing band symbols on my notebook.
same here bro. fuckin catholics and their beliefs in the teachings of Cathol.

im still doing the lab report itself, and then ill begin on studying. thats a revolutionary idea, eh? maybe next time ill go to class and wont wait till the night before. right goin to smoke a butt
dilema1362 said:
same here bro. fuckin catholics and their beliefs in the teachings of Cathol.

im still doing the lab report itself, and then ill begin on studying. thats a revolutionary idea, eh? maybe next time ill go to class and wont wait till the night before. right goin to smoke a butt

Theres a definition of mortal sins in the notebook and right next to it there is CHILDREN OF BODOM in big bold letters with a pentagram and a message that says GODDAMN THIS CLASS SUX ASS!! :lol:

Old relics! :kickass:
on the inside of the bible i had for scripture class soph year i drew a pentagram on the popes forehead, a teardrop down his cheek, and hes got a bodom shirt while holding a jackson RR. its fuckin funny as shit. i had forgotten about it until about a month ago when i found the bible (a.k.a.-greatest work of fiction ever written) and opened up to the first page. theres also a bunch of pages missing that i had ripped out and rolled joints with (back when i was a pothead for 2 months.) how many people can say they smoked up with the bible?
Listening to In Flames and uploading my workout playlist to my mp3 player.

These songs pump me up so much while working out.

1. CoB - Triple Corpse Hammerblow
2. SYL - Last Minute
3. Iced Earth - Atilla
4. CoB - Follow the Reaper
5. Nevermore - Enemies of Reality
6. In Flames - Clayman
7. Nightwish - Elvenpath
8. Iced Earth - Last Laugh (live)
9. CoB - Silent Night Bodom Night (live)
10.Finntroll - Kitteldags (whatever the fuck that means)
11.Arch Enemy - The First Deadly Sin
12.Emperor - Ye Entrancperium (live)


Off to bed now.
well....i bombed my test. that was fun. now im sitting in the computer lab here in the campus center for a few more minutes before i head out to smoke a butt, and then finish up my lab report, and then head to lab. FUN! :tickled:
