The "What are you REALLY thinking about?" thread

i hate that kind of party, and i didt do the "baptism" (it isnt probabily the name for it that in English, but its a direct translation from french)thing because i found it stupid that you had to drink just for the sake of it and getting drunk.

There is no such thing here in Germany and i am glad for it!
thats what some people told me, but i also heard that when you dont drink then they make it harder for you and annoy you... but i dont know if its true or not, since i didnt go and see for myself...

in a college in a very small town in the province of Luxemburg, they had to do sort of tour of all the bars in the city, and drink a beer in each one and so get a signature from the barman when they had drank the beer, and come back and show their small notebook with all the signature ... i wonder how you are supposed to do that when you dont want to get drunk :p maybe you are allowed to drink alcoholfree beer (disgusting), and i dont even think that every bar sells some.
That would also cost an awfull lot of money that I'd rather spend for something else :p
ah, i know what you mean... "haute école" in French.
It would maybe be college in US English, but i am not sure since the diploma you get in those establishment is not always on the same level as a university one, especially if its a degree that only takes 3 years to make.
cantus is where the seniors teach the juniors how to drink and punish them is they don't behave.
In the US we have Fraternity's / Sorority's. Same think it sounds like.

i hate that kind of party, and i didt do the "baptism" (it isnt probabily the name for it that in English, but its a direct translation from french)
every month, for 60 min I pay 10 euros. I dont send a lot of messages. It is cheaper for me to have an abonnment than to use prepaid cards, because I have a student discount (from 10 euros). My bill is usually +/- 12 euros
well I get 300 minutes to other Mobistar (that's my provider) in the weekends and 300 sms' for free if I reload withing the next month so that's not too bad either