The what's going on in Thrash thread

It's such a strange change in people. There has always been protests, people have rallied against everything, but protesting has changed these days. It seems like protesters think it's their right to destroy and cause havoc. They no longer just try and get their point across, they do it with threats and violence. It's a really stupid advertisement for their cause because I know which side I'd choose if I was truly sitting on the fence and one side went out started riots just to prove how bad the other side was.

The weird thing in this country is that politically both sides aren't that different. Sure one side hates welfare and wants the rich to get richer while the other side says they support the workers and familes. But most of it is for show, they are all fat self serving pricks who don't give a fuck about the small people. Yet while I don't think we are close to the American political faction and separation type games many of the voters in this country treat it that way. It's strange how many people in this country claim they wouldn't want to go down the same paths as the US with everything from political hate to gun control, but then given the chance they go out on the street and destroy shit while waving flags about a person who has nothing to do with this country.

Yeah it's Alex's fault!!
Gotta be vigilant as dumb as that sounds. It can happen anywhere under the right/wrong circumstances. Hopefully other countries are enough on the ball to keep from getting as bad as we are now. Funny enough. There is an intelligence report that says Russia picked Trump specifically for this. That they knew how to manipulate him, to prey on his paranoia and inferiority complex and his other weaknesses. That they knew that a man like this in the presidency would result in a division in the US that we would not recover from. One that they have been exploiting for years.
Now whether you believe this report is up to each individual . It does rely on an ex Russian something or other.
They do know however that at least parts of it are true. Even the Republicans in the Senate came to that conclusion (and it's been heavily redacted) (and we do know they interfered with the 2016 election) they just aren't going to do anything about it.
Like I said who knows what's true. But it is Russia. Since the cold war ended people kind of treat it like a joke. But they don't fuck around and they do hate us and would love to see us fall. But even if they did have a big hand in shit it doesn't mean we won't recover from it.

And Trump. Well his record of being a scumbag goes back his entire life.

God this all sounds absolutely ridiculous doesn't it?!!
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Gotta be vigilant as dumb as that sounds. It can happen anywhere under the right/wrong circumstances. Hopefully other countries are enough on the ball to keep from getting as bad as we are now. Funny enough. There is an intelligence report that says Russia picked Trump specifically for this. That they knew how to manipulate him, to prey on his paranoia and inferiority complex and his other weaknesses. That they knew that a man like this in the presidency would result in a division in the US that we would not recover from. One that they have been exploiting for years.
Now whether you believe this report is up to each individual . It does rely on an ex Russian something or other.
They do know however that at least parts of it are true. Even the Republicans in the Senate came to that conclusion (and it's been heavily redacted) (and we do know they interfered with the 2016 election) they just aren't going to do anything about it.
Like I said who knows what's true. But it is Russia. Since the cold war ended people kind of treat it like a joke. But they don't fuck around and they do hate us and would love to see us fall. But even if they did have a big hand in shit it doesn't mean we won't recover from it.

And Trump. Well his record of being a scumbag goes back his entire life.

God this all sounds absolutely ridiculous doesn't it?!!

The sad thing about rumours and even conspiracy theories is just how many of them have elements of truth behind them. In Australia it's China that we were hearing wanted to destabilise our country and when you have state leaders and country leaders doing deals with China which suddenly turn into under the table deals that are technically against the country's constitution it's no wonder there is fuel on the fire. But right now both China and Australia are acting like they are fighting, China wont accept our wine and wheat, while in Australia our government is being tough and calling them names. Now a conspiracy nut would suggest this is all just a ruse to make it easier for China too take us over, but a sensible person would suggest, why the fuck would they want to?

I heard today that Trump's fallen of the Forbes rich list (or some other such rich prick list). I feel sorry for him, I hope he isn't struggling. All he has to do is last a few years on the poverty line because he's coming back as Pres in a few years!! :)
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Oh yeah, China as well. I think I'd trust just about anyone before I'd trust China. They stole all their military technology from the west. They think technology makes them a modern country. and of course in a way it does. but they still operate as if it's the Ming Dynasty lol. They and Russia have been antagonizing us for years. Flying just outside the borders, sometimes just inside.. Hacking us. I just read they flew 20 something fighter jets into Taiwan's airspace at one time. With 52 flights into in on Monday alone. They like to rattle their sabres. But I don't trust them to only do that forever.
I have no idea why China would want to take over Australia except that it'd be one more Democracy down.

Lol yeah. And he lied his way onto it in the first place. Hahaha. That's what the flags say! Of course they also said Trump 2020.
I find the ones that say Trump 20 To Life better. :)

Man fucking politics huh? Somebody stop us! :yell:

Oh hey! Congrats on possibly having the not only the biggest dinosaur but also possibly the biggest animal that has ever lived land or sea. Of course there's really no way to say that but...until then! :headbang:
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Oh yeah, China as well. I think I'd trust just about anyone before I'd trust China. They stole all their military technology from the west. They think technology makes them a modern country. and of course in a way it does. but they still operate as if it's the Ming Dynasty lol. They and Russia have been antagonizing us for years. Flying just outside the borders, sometimes just inside.. Hacking us. I just read they flew 20 something fighter jets into Taiwan's airspace at one time. With 52 flights into in on Monday alone. They like to rattle their sabres. But I don't trust them to only do that forever.
I have no idea why China would want to take over Australia except that it'd be one more Democracy down.

Lol yeah. And he lied his way onto it in the first place. Hahaha. That's what the flags say! Of course they also said Trump 2020.
I find the ones that say Trump 20 To Life better. :)

Man fucking politics huh? Somebody stop us! :yell:

Oh hey! Congrats on possibly having the not only the biggest dinosaur but also possibly the biggest animal that has ever lived land or sea. Of course there's really no way to say that but...until then! :headbang:

Aside from the 'we did it" factor I'm sure the only reason China want to take us on is because they want our wine!

We have to give the politicians something to do because we know most of them wouldn't fit in with the rest of society. In this country someone's been making a huge deal about 'quotas' in parliament. They are saying there isn't enough indigenous people and women in parliament and that needs to change. I say like fuck it does, it just shows women and the indigenous are smart!

I saw that bone thing they found. I still don't know whether I believe them but hey it's a win for someone here :)
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Wow! It only took Lars 20 years to realise what the rest of the world knew immediately. Him and James were entitled wankers that thought the world revolved around them! I doubt it will change anything in the big scheme of things but interesting to hear him say it. I wonder if Scott Ian will ever come to the same realisation.
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Jeez, Those first couple paragraphs from James is like huh? God. Their take on 20 years ago sounds like they were teenagers that didn't know jack. But they were in their 30's weren't they?
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Yeah they'd have had to be either close to or in their 30's. I can't imagine how up themselves they must have been 20 years ago given what we see today is them taking stock and realising they were the problem. I guess Lars was always bred to be the best, his father instilled that in him which is part of the reason they moved to the US. I guess that kind of ego is hard to kill, especially if you don't want to kill it. Throw money at an ego like that and it grows, throw shitloads at it and we get a Lars.
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Shit they were older than I thought. I really do think people like Lars and James were money driven and that's a big part of why they acted like they did. The more they got they deeper up their own backsides they went.

From memory Lars' dad had tennis success but was hampered by where he grew up. I'm not sure if he never became full pro circuit because of where he lived or ability, but he was good enough to be nationally recognised I believe so money might not have been his motivator. Whereas they moved countries because of Lars, then Lars (by his own words) became the go-to kid in his group because of his European connections, then he started a band and made the rules. In many ways I can see why Lars became who he did and it wasn't his father's influence.
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Yeah me too lol. They got what they were driven by and then some! I'm give them a tad bit of credit for ever climbing out of their own butts.

Young Lars seemed like a cool dude. Crazy how he changed.

Money can really be the root of all evil. I know people who grew up, got money and become utter shits and I'm not talking the kind of money that changed Lars. Some people just seem to think they need enough money to be more than those around them and they suddenly become better than them. It's strange how badly some worship money because of what they think it means.

I can't talk, I remember all those nights loading trucks and we used to joke about how much winning the lottery would change our lives. Although our dreams at the time were slightly different because we all reckoned we'd throw in our jobs and walk away leaving the boss in the lurch if we won $50! :)
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Yeah I've never really understood how being able to buy more crap than other people can make certain people feel superior.
I think if I won the lottery I'd need someone to look out for me. I'd be likely to spend it all animal causes. And hiring ex black ops guys to go after poachers!

Okay not making fun of the guy at all, but how the hell did Newstead get so many creases in his face?

Haha $50? You devil! :p
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If I was going to hire ex black ops I wouldn't have them chasing poachers :)

I think the method he employed was called getting old :P But yeah he really seems to have gone through the aging process quicker than others.

Our boss used to think he treated us well (he left his wife to swing the balls), until we told him it would only take $50 for us to quit. We were of course joking but I think he realised just how unhappy his workforce was. Pity it never changed anything.
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But why there's so much fun in the chase! ..So I'm told. Think of all the cool ways they could take them out! :p.

It's a good thing Jason isn't a raging asshole Otherwise I'd think he caught Mustainialus Coksukus.Also known simply as Mustainia. You know the rare condition in which being a giant dick causes rapid aging mostly in the facial area? Poor guy.

Damn. I was hoping that was going to end with you guys getting a raise!
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Yeah but I have a list of people who have pissed me off that needs to be dealt with before poachers :)

Mustainialus Cokskus? Someone's been reading medical books in their spare time!! The problem with Jason being and arsehole and telling people off is that he'd have a full time job with all the shitheads that want to kick him on Blabber and the like these days. I understand some people don't want to hear the music he makes but kicking the shit out of him for it shows jsut how tough they are.

Nah our boss back then was a prick, his missus was a ball buster (or at least thought she was) and he was one of these old men who married a young blonde, who married him for his money, then subsequently made him work harder to make more for her. He couldn't afford to give us pay rises while his bitch of a wife took as much of the profits as she could. Funny thing was they went from owning a trucking business to owning a waxing salon, the unfunny thing was finding out they were both so into it they were doing the waxing!! I could never look at him the same way again!
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Haha gotcha ;).

Yes I'm very well read as you can tell. :p
Yeah I don't really get it either. Sure I wish he was still making metal but I'm not gonna get bent over it.

Bahahaha! Oh god. Nightmare! My bosses wife was the same way. Only instead of a younger hot blonde she was a giant fat redhead of the same age. I guess at least your boss had an excuse. But at least they weren't into waxing...who the fuck would let some old man wax them?! :OMG::puke:
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