The what's going on in Thrash thread

Haha gotcha ;).

Yes I'm very well read as you can tell. :p
Yeah I don't really get it either. Sure I wish he was still making metal but I'm not gonna get bent over it.

Bahahaha! Oh god. Nightmare! My bosses wife was the same way. Only instead of a younger hot blonde she was a giant fat redhead of the same age. I guess at least your boss had an excuse. But at least they weren't into waxing...who the fuck would let some old man wax them?! :OMG::puke:

I would really like to have heard more Newstead too, I'm actually surprised it didn't sell enough to make it viable. But at the same time it wasn't like he reinvented the wheel.

Oh yeah my boss had an excuse, he was twice divorced and when he found one that would stay he didn't care that she was staying for his money....and a waxing salon. :) I don't want to know what sort of person is happy to let either of them do their waxing. All I can hope for now is that covid shut them down since they would have been forced to close. Although the trucks side of things was extremely lucrative and as an essential delivery service chances are the prick is getting paid more than ever to keep that running and that business will be financing his covid shut wax shops.
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I would really like to have heard more Newstead too, I'm actually surprised it didn't sell enough to make it viable. But at the same time it wasn't like he reinvented the wheel.

Oh yeah my boss had an excuse, he was twice divorced and when he found one that would stay he didn't care that she was staying for his money....and a waxing salon. :) I don't want to know what sort of person is happy to let either of them do their waxing. All I can hope for now is that covid shut them down since they would have been forced to close. Although the trucks side of things was extremely lucrative and as an essential delivery service chances are the prick is getting paid more than ever to keep that running and that business will be financing his covid shut wax shops.
I think it could have been viable but he didn't want to slug it out like a beginner band. I think he was spending a bunch of money that he didn't really have to.

Bah, the rich get richer huh?
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I think it could have been viable but he didn't want to slug it out like a beginner band. I think he was spending a bunch of money that he didn't really have to.

Bah, the rich get richer huh?

That's possible. He comes of a a nice guy but he could be the sort of person that thought, he had success therefore he should forever remain at the top of the ladder. If nothing else he probably should have received better from his label who didn't really seem to push the sales either.

Yeah but if that's what one has to do and act like to be rich I'm fine not being in their league :)
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That's possible. He comes of a a nice guy but he could be the sort of person that thought, he had success therefore he should forever remain at the top of the ladder. If nothing else he probably should have received better from his label who didn't really seem to push the sales either.

Yeah but if that's what one has to do and act like to be rich I'm fine not being in their league :)
I think I remember him saying something about spending a lot of his money on and it was just costing to much.
I understand the mentality. But a lot of musicians that have or had successful main bands slug it out in the trenches again.
Hopefully he gets the itch to do some metal again.

Hahaha yeah really!
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Aww yeah!

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I think I remember him saying something about spending a lot of his money on and it was just costing to much.
I understand the mentality. But a lot of musicians that have or had successful main bands slug it out in the trenches again.
Hopefully he gets the itch to do some metal again.

Hahaha yeah really!

He's probably right, he might even have started the whole project without label support. I don't remember how things went down. However I do remember him recently suggesting he lives of AJFA royalties so maybe he can give it another go soon :)
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Man if he's living off the AJFA royalties what's he do with the Black Album royalties?! :OMG:

If he can live off either royalties how much must James and Lars be making given that you can bet it wasn't an equal 4 way split!
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