The what's going on in Thrash thread

Has anyone got The Ultimate Revenge 1 with Venom, Exodus and Slayer?
Apparently the first one included interviews (the second just live shows), and one of those interviews included Kerry King talking about Tom getting a black eye from Cronos.
Yeah I have it somewhere buried in my collection,the interview with Venom is priceless!
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My hopes of watching those videos today is fucking shot. Schools are fucking closed again thanks to covid, they only fully opened for all kids on Friday and now they are shut again. Yay!
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Hmmm I thought I posted that ^ message at 7:30 this morning but it was still sitting here when I popped in to post this.

33 years since this was recorded. I still have a VHS copy somewhere.

Don't know Faith Or Fear. Was this a tour? Sounds killer.
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Shit man. What the hell!

The schools opened with a scattered starts 2 weeks ago, idea was that only a few year levels go at a time, along with kids whose parents had to be at work. All classes went back on Friday and now we find out a positive case was at both schools for the entire week. Both kid's schools have now been shut twice for cleaning in a week because a positive case has been on site

Things where working well here until several fuckwits decided to have a party for a football match. 18 people from 3 familes were infected in one night, from there we've basically gone to one case after another. This current outbreak here is worse in four weeks than the entire 18 months before it. But according to the government we have to learn to live with it and we are open for business.
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It had to happen? What a stupid fucking thing to say. I don't know if Frankie is toeing some imaginary line drawn by Scott and Charlie or if he actually believes that, but it's stupid. 20 years on he's justifying sacking their singer with little more than 'it needed to happen', he'd have been better off just remaining silent and saying nothing.
Yeah I can relate to that. And the fact that I don't sit down and and just watch things ensures that ripping VHS/DVD's isn't worth much too me either.
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Don't know Faith Or Fear. Was this a tour? Sounds killer.

I forgot about the first part of this post.
Faith Or Fear were okay, quiet thrashy, vocals not too bad, kind of looked like most other thrash bands of the time. I don't know that I ever heard a full album of theirs but their biggest claim to fame is probably that Merritt Gant was in the band briefly. They have two full length albums out but going by the dates of Ultimate Revenge 2 the set they recorded was pre Gant and about the time of their debut. Their second album didn't come out until 2012
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