The what's going on in Thrash thread

Watching this at the moment. It's pretty good (so far). Ziltoid and his quest to Earth to find coffee is a great story and Devy pulls it off on stage well, especially since he only met the guys playing 2 days before the gig.
Still getting through the list but there is even some SYL to come.

Cool, I'm going to put it on while I play Red Dead online.
Edit: I'll have to watch it later. I forgot I can't play audio while my controller is charging on my laptop. :mad:
It's a really lazy way of doing things. This kind of thing used to be strictly tabloid rag territory. Sadly it just seems to be the way things are done now and most people don't seem to even question it because it's normal to them.

Sad but true and I doubt it will ever improve
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It's a really lazy way of doing things. This kind of thing used to be strictly tabloid rag territory. Sadly it just seems to be the way things are done now and most people don't seem to even question it because it's normal to them.

Truth. I guess they give their readers/followers what they want to see and hear about, right? I saw that story about Dukes and Exodus and immediately thought what a bunch of bottom feeders.
Truth. I guess they give their readers/followers what they want to see and hear about, right? I saw that story about Dukes and Exodus and immediately thought what a bunch of bottom feeders.

I think Dukes handled it well. A few years ago when he was a bit more angry about the departure he wasn't as nice to the band but this time truth or not he really didn't make any waves with his comment. Some journos must hate it when their bait doesn't work but good on Dukes from not biting.
I think Dukes handled it well. A few years ago when he was a bit more angry about the departure he wasn't as nice to the band but this time truth or not he really didn't make any waves with his comment. Some journos must hate it when their bait doesn't work but good on Dukes from not biting.
Tee Hee. Yeah. That's a nice funny twist.
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