The what's going on in Thrash thread

My wife made me watch the Netflix movie Metal Lords last night (and I didn't fall asleep half way through). I'll start off by saying it's not a brilliant movie, but it's not complete shit. Basically one very metal wannabe kid convinces his mate to play drums, they end up in a bet to win the battle of the bands but without a bass player that doesn't look possible. There is some funny scenes in it and Tom Morello from RATM did the soundtrack so it's actually got some good metal pedigree in there with songs by Metallica, Slayer, Maiden, Priest etc. The story is nothing original but a misfit kid wearing corpse paint because he gets picked on is still humorous.

But the one scene that that stands out in my mind was when the drummer kid is in the hot tub with the hot(?) chick wanting to get all over him and he sees 4 ghosts giving him his options in a typical good and bad devil on you shoulder type scenario. 2 ghosts tell him to go ahead and cheat on his girl friend and 2 ghosts say it's not ok. Tom Morello is one of the good ghosts, the other is the metal god himself Rob Halford who tells him he should go back to the girl who loves him and not be a cheating bastard in the most metal god way ever. But the two ghosts telling him to cheat and that his girl wont find our are Scott Ian and Kirk Hammett. Kind of seems a metaphor for those two to be the dicks no one should listen too :)
The dude with the corpse paint is the biggest wannabe guitar hero in the world. I have no idea if the actor actually plays the guitar but he does well playing someone who's got all the money and none of the brains. Alice Cooper's drummer (can't remember the guys name right now) taught the other kid to actually play the drums, he was in IT (as young Bill) but he wasn't musical. Not sure if the girl does her own work or not but those two are more metal than the wannabe with all the money. There was mention at one stage of a keyboard player but wannabe hero pointed out that they were a Post Death/Doom metal band and therefore bass player before keyboards. The drummer and the girl kind of bonded over War Pigs :)

Morello is in it for about 30 secs and he didn't totally fuck the sound track. 3 Priest, 2 Pantera, 4 Metallica (old), Maiden, Motorhead, GNR, and who wouldn't want to be in a band called SkullFucker? However I think he did fuck up the use of Dee (Randy Rhodes) because it was used at the most inappropriate time given who the song was written for. A fan (as Morello claims he is) should have known that.
Oh that kid was funny in IT. Of course he's a wannabe, he's wearing makeup! :p

Yeah Morello is weird. He's got all the right influences. But I can't think of a more overrated guitarist.
It sounds okay. I may check it out if it the day gets to boring.:)
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It's not brilliant but if you've got nothing else to do and 2 hours to kill it's entertaining enough not to have you poking your eyes out.

That is the best description I have seen of the movie. Saw it a few weeks ago and maybe I am getting old but thought some parts were really cringy/cheesy. Felt like a lot of the references/stereotypes were dated.
Hollywood can't do that though, it would never sell enough to make it viable. It needs to be independent and low budget.
Those wacky Canadians released one in multiple webisodes last year. I can't remember the name but it was free to watch on line and was okay. But them I'm easily pleased.