The what's going on in Thrash thread

Heavy Metal Hitchiker, it was a YT series I believe, at least I watched it on YT.

The problem with writing a metal movie is that the story really doesn't have any different bones. It's either going to be a horror, either horror of the 80's or horror like Dave Grohl did. Or it's got to be a comedy in which it will have to be a piss take on metal or the people in metal. There is only so many jokes can be made by a metal head that are laughable. No one really wants a metal love story or a metal drama, especially not given that it will still have the basic boy meet girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back story line every drama has.
Says who? There's plenty of metal that isn't cheesy. Oodles of it. And no one making movies as any problem rehashing shit anyway. And just because it could be a comedy doesn't mean it has to be a piss take. shit I don't want most of the movies out there. But that doesn't stop people from making them or people from liking them. Especially since it's been a few decades since the height of it. Hell I watched plenty of stuff having to do with the 60's and 70's just because it was different to me. Things from other era's always come back. And people always want to feel connected to it. I have a lot of friends on the Playstation that missed the 80's and they're really pissed about it and look back on it as an awesome time. Way better than what they grew up with.
They just need a good writer and director.
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It's all cheese when it comes to a movie. A doco is different a doco is/should be fact, but a movie has to have cheese. It has to have filler, it has to have a standard trope and it has to have good vs evil with good winning, otherwise it's not going to last 90 mins and be interesting to a wide enough audience. Whether a movie gets a big screen release or straight to a streaming service they all follow the same tracks dependant only on the type of movie it is. If you can come up with an interesting 90 minute metal movie I'll write it and we'll split the profits.

Docos are different, but docos on the metal world just don't sell well any more. Docos on specific bands sell even worse unless those bands are chart toppers. Even shitty bands like Motley Crue with shitty story lines struggle to sell. Which is why YT and the like are important. There is hundreds of docos about bands, about scenes, and genres on YT. Most done on limited budgets but still done with a passion you'll rarely find with a bigger production. But the numbers of viewers are still not that high, sometimes because they are hard to find, but also because the internet is a shitty place to release stuff. There is hundreds of bios out there written that could be just as easily be made into a doco the same way Motley Crue get theirs or at a lower budget scale like the East Coast Thrash doco I can't remember the name of right now. But if those books aren't selling in large numbers where is the incentive to put money into a doco?
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Realist :P
But I'm willing to give it a go. Come up with the idea, come up with the original plot line and I'll write the story and we'll see where it goes. If a metal movie can really be made without the cheesy tropes and same same story lines then let the fans do it.

If it's doco then that's different. I'd love to see Rob Halford's story turned into a doco. There is so much detail there to cover, so much of interest to fans and some non fans I suppose but there is a reason docos like Lemmy's and Dio's are not mainstream viewing. Lemmy's actually had a mainstream, or somewhat mainstream, release and it still didn't make the kind of headlines Motley Crue did. To be fair no one but MC want the publicity they get but Lemmy was so much to so many people and last I heard his doco didn't make it's money back. Whereas a doco series like that 6 and 1/2 part Australian metal scene doco on YT is made well, researched well but because of where it's released it's hard for some to find. But I'd much rather those type of docos than massively, over the top productions that by definition have to make money.
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Debatable :p
I'm just thinking of a regular movie. Like a period piece. Of people that grew up in that time and when to see awesome bands and the scene around it.

I think the reason is that way too much emphasis was put on shit that wasn't or was barely metal like the glam rock bands. Metal basically got sandbagged.
But if they can make shit ass hip hop movies they can make metal ones.
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Debatable :p
I'm just thinking of a regular movie. Like a period piece. Of people that grew up in that time and when to see awesome bands and the scene around it.

I think the reason is that way too much emphasis was put on shit that wasn't or was barely metal like the glam rock bands. Metal basically got sandbagged.
But if they can make shit ass hip hop movies they can make metal ones.

Debate it all you like :P
What is the story going to be? Even basing it on a fictional area and scene the characters need a story. I'm not sure waking up, going to work, going to the record store, going to gigs and sleeping makes an entertaining story. Scenes can be made funny or interesting, or even just have musical interludes but they run the risk of being disjointed if the only connection is music and a scene. Airheads, Rockstar, Wayne's World, Detroit Rock City, they all had a story, as good or bad as those stories were without them they weren't a movie.

But for all I, probably we both, know those hip hop movies could be shit too and the people watching them just love shit. Go back 40 years and movies like Boyz In The Hood were heavy on the rap music but there was still a story behind it all, the music was still mostly just a soundtrack even where songs were written specifically for the movie. Motley Crue's movie is even being shit on by real fans of the band because the story is so fake. So while I agree it can and should be done the premise is first problem, keeping interest is the second.
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Detroit Rock City was funny and good, at least it was when I saw it 20 years ago!
Yeah it was funny when I saw it too. That part where that kid begs not to get beaten by that muscle guy was hilarious. Furlong though...I'm not sure how much I like him in anything.

I keep getting a server error when I try and post the first time. And again. And then it keeps adding time to when I can.
Yeah it was funny when I saw it too. That part where that kid begs not to get beaten by that muscle guy was hilarious. Furlong though...I'm not sure how much I like him in anything.

I keep getting a server error when I try and post the first time. And again. And then it keeps adding time to when I can.

Well that gives you plenty of time to come up with an idea and a plot for the new movie! Come on man, details, details details.

I only get that timed error when I try to post a second post too quickly and the timer only goes up when I keep clicking on post. It's a spam warning to stop mass posting, but the timer seems to punish when one doesn't assimilate
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Well you should have! Sheesh you can't just pop the idea out and hope the rest comes along...well not unless you work in Hollywood!
Okay! Fine! Spitballing!

Set in the early 00's
A teenage kid finds out his dad isn't his dad due to a confession of his dying ex groupie mom. But she was such a skank that she doesn't know exactly who. So she gives him a list of thrash bands. These bands are spread out across the globe on tour. How is a kid supposed to track these people down? Friend suggests bank heist! So after a shoddy heist,with car chase! Filled with crashes and shooting. They get on a plane to South America where one of the bands is touring. Plane crash (boom!) but everyone miraculously survives. They have to trek out of the jungle with an injured friend who was hit by a falling rock from a cliff. Make it to a shitty town where they have to barter a ride to the show. Of course this first band isn't the right one. They have to sell a kidney to get to an airport because they were ripped off trying to buy grass. They manage to steal the organ and money back because the smuggler was at the same airport.
Turbulent ride ensues. They land in Amsterdam where they drop the friend off at a hospital to get him help. Head to another show. Get jumped by hopped up junkies! Foot chase, fist fight (bam!) make it to the show. It's again not the right band. Yada yada, trek all over the globe with their dwindling supply of stolen money. Meanwhile Interpol is after them. They make a deal with a crazy Russian cab driver to bring them over some border to another show. Interpol was already after the driver. Boom! more car chases through tight canyon roads! One friend is killed (very sad).
More explosions! Goats darting out of the way! Make it to another band. This guy thinks he might be the dad. But before they can find out Interpol shows up again. Blah blah a bunch of stuff happens. Spoiler! In the end he finds the right band and learns to play by his dad and starts his own band. Becomes biggest band in the world.
That's all I got so far.

Oh yeah. Hot chick, hot chick, hot chick.
Well it's not enough :P

*The following is my opinion only*

The addition of goats does make it more metal, but you have pretty much used the same Hollywood tropes as every other music related music movie has just different topics. Boy develops problem, boy vows to solved problem, happiness and saddness ensues, solution found, happy ending. That's not to say what you've come up with is bad just that it's not entirely original and marketable.

The story was good and definitely workable, the implementation would be a bitch with so many locations which might stretch budgets but it can be worked on. Making it predominantly thrash music does improve on the 'Hollywood' and dropping some big band in there could make it an easier sell. Defining how things play out is here things become a bit more difficult. For instance should there be any funny parts, if so how is funny defined? Is there a level of humor to stop it being considered crass. How much is too little or too much comedy? Then there is things like how serious do the scenes get? Is he heart broken at any time or just upset? Does he breakdown and cry when he talks to some band members, gleeful when he finds out others couldn't possibly be a match. Do other characters influence his moods, or have moods of their own to make the characters less cardboard and stiff? There will be more too, and most need to be considered to make a reasonable story span an entire movie. The problem is that metal doesn't immediately lend itself well to all those areas. I'm not saying it can't be done, and done well, but there is a reason that pop music, country music, jazz music, etc get movies written around them, it's because they can be easily fit into the mould that sells, metal on the other hand takes more work and the effort often doesn't pay off.

That said if I had spare couple of hundred grand I'd option the idea and plot.

I know why they do it but I've never like sheets draped over the foldbacks and boxes like that. Testaments weird shape pattern doesn't help that thought either.

That's a decent reverb Chuck has going. Lucky it doesn't sound like that when everything is happening.

The camera must be on a stand or something and the drums, or maybe a speaker made it drop because Chuck went headless for a minute or so.
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Well it's not enough :p

*The following is my opinion only*

The addition of goats does make it more metal, but you have pretty much used the same Hollywood tropes as every other music related music movie has just different topics. Boy develops problem, boy vows to solved problem, happiness and saddness ensues, solution found, happy ending. That's not to say what you've come up with is bad just that it's not entirely original and marketable.

The story was good and definitely workable, the implementation would be a bitch with so many locations which might stretch budgets but it can be worked on. Making it predominantly thrash music does improve on the 'Hollywood' and dropping some big band in there could make it an easier sell. Defining how things play out is here things become a bit more difficult. For instance should there be any funny parts, if so how is funny defined? Is there a level of humor to stop it being considered crass. How much is too little or too much comedy? Then there is things like how serious do the scenes get? Is he heart broken at any time or just upset? Does he breakdown and cry when he talks to some band members, gleeful when he finds out others couldn't possibly be a match. Do other characters influence his moods, or have moods of their own to make the characters less cardboard and stiff? There will be more too, and most need to be considered to make a reasonable story span an entire movie. The problem is that metal doesn't immediately lend itself well to all those areas. I'm not saying it can't be done, and done well, but there is a reason that pop music, country music, jazz music, etc get movies written around them, it's because they can be easily fit into the mould that sells, metal on the other hand takes more work and the effort often doesn't pay off.

That said if I had spare couple of hundred grand I'd option the idea and plot.
Of course I did! I thought you wanted the glitz and excitement of a Hollywood production! As for the rest. That's where yada yada and blah blah come in! What do you want for 30 seconds of work?!
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It's not a case of wanting glitz, it's a case of needing it to sell. That Heavy Metal Hitchhiker series was done by some comedy network in Canada (from memory), it's appeal was definitely subjective, it was totally metal, but it lacked the glitz and couldn't even keep a trash site like Blabber interested in it for 6 or 8 episodes. Yet that fucking tool who created a fake metal band, a fake website, fake music and was able to book and entire UK tour before anyone realised he was just a rich kid with Daddy's credit card was being spoken about for 12 months by sites like Metal Injection. Because he had the glitz, he had show, he also had the bullshit, and that was what sold the story.

What I want and what I get are obviously two different things. And given your lack of effort I've decided that I might still option your idea, but I'm only willing to pay $50.