The what's going on in Thrash thread

Pretty fuckin' sweet!!!Ya know he's better off not being in MEGADETH and I'm looking forward to that project with poland.
That's what they said, but they've also implied that BIBO was never recorded with Dukes. Gary's posted in the Exodus forums about how far along in the process they were. This was all before Zetro In, Dukes Out obviously.
Sounds like lies all around. I wish I new the truth lol Honestly I like both versions. Over all I think I like Dukes. But Zetro has some menace to the songs that I like better.
Now Black 13 & Body Harvest are out there too.

It has to be Dukes himself getting these out there, Gary's pretty much implying that on the Exodus forums.
I think it has to be also. And you know what good for him! Exodus kind of lied a little bit.and for what? it's their band,do what you want but there's no need to say things like dukes didn't sing on these and that Zetro came in freshlistened to the music and knocked it out. Those vocals melodies are obviously what was used.
I haven't read it yet. But WTF? that shit should be for bands like Flotsam And Jetsam. Not multi million dollar empires...although they may have some cool stuff lol
They did a whole happy birthday thing for him on stage last night. It was pretty interesting.