The what's going on in Thrash thread

My parents are going on a cruise next year no idea how to compare what they are getting to that boat but they are paying about $2200 each for 12 ports and about 14 days.
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I can't believe they are doing it. Dad doesn't like boats unless he's driving it and Mum hates going fishing in our boat. But they decided to do it, even after Mum's brother did a cruise in the same area a few years ago and multiple people died and there was a gastro outbreak!

Fucking old people, honestly who knows what goes through their head!
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Oh wow no way. Personally I don't trust the ocean. No matter how big the boat you're still just a speck. But even if I did, what you just said would certainly keep me off it lol
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Apparently it's more common than you might think. They obviously don't advertise it but because so many cruises are populated by old people death happens. My uncle was told by his doctor to go and he's got to carry an oxygen tank with him at all times, can't walk to the bathroom without it, yet apparently a cruise is good for him.

I like the ocean and I like fishing, I've fished out of plenty of small boats for big fish, but day trips are more than enough for me. I have no intention of getting on a boat I have to sleep on and can't get off until the captain decides to find a port.
Old peoples right of passage :)

I got over trusting boats years ago, but there really is no hiding when it's rough. I still trust the boat in rough water but I get nervous about those waves.
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