The what's going on in Thrash thread

I listened to it again all the through last week. Once again all I can really say is that it's Overkill. Good but nothing groundbreaking or different. It does have it's moments though. I'm not really liking the new drummer.

It's the same drummer they've had since 2005, he just had a fill in on their last Euro tour
As far as I know Ron had some input by working with the new drummer who is the guy who filled in and is on the shows they recorded.
But that was as far as it went before Ron decided he had things to straighten out with his business?
In the liners he says Thanks to Bobby, DD, Dave, Derek for the great opportunity to play in the band! Ron Lipnicki for a great ten years and leaving some monster licks for me to learn.
But..I swear that the picture in the booklet is of Ron and not the new guy. So yeah. Fucking confusing! Whatever it is I'm not liking the drums as much.
I see Hatriot changed guitarists again

EDIT: Actually that looks like that's the third guitarist back again. Wonder what happened to the fourth guy....