The what's going on in Thrash thread

I hope so too, there really isn't enough of his work out there to own. With his track record of singers ( aside from Chuck of course ) I'd rather he was doing some instrumental. Or get a singer that isn't "nu"

Why couldn't Testament do what they are doing now with the bass solo when Greg was in the band?
Again it SEEMS like another slap in the face towards a former member.But then again Steve is a very humble guy so I don't think that's it!So the mysteries still remain.
Yeah Steve does seem pretty humble, maybe Greg never asked? lol Whatever it is it's frustrating because who knows if Greg will ever play in Testament again and the likely hood of him being in a larger band seems slim. When he rejoined I really wanted to hear him shine. He writes great lines and has just a killer tone. He did do some great work on the last two albums but I don't think he pushed himself and there wasn't a lot of stand alone bass ( something Steve needs more of as well ) They weren't even doing Souls Of Black live and THAT is a bit suspicious. Now who knows what we'll get out of him :cry:
You sure have great insight on these matters and sincerely hope he can patch things up with them someday.Lord knows we don't want this to get the best of him ya know ?!
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Really great to hear that the hunger is back in him again! I told you those Jackson's must have been custom made,but I never would have guessed they were on a shorter scale though.
Fucking sweet man!That's very cool!!!I'm waiting for my Fates warning purchase too!Enjoy Rich :thumbsup: