The where are you now thread

- Las Vegas

We drove to Ludlow CA then doubled back a bit and drove through the Mojave desert, that was cool.

Went to the Las Vegas rock awards, saw Lemmy, Frank Banale, Vinnie Appice and a few others giving out awards and the finale was Dee Snider and Lita Ford on stage with members from local band's playing 'I Wanna Rock'.

We also made news in the Daily Journal:

Dwight: Route 66 still brings 'em in, mate

By Dennis Yohnka

You don’t notice them after awhile.

They’re posing in front the the spaceman in Wilmington, eating at the Polka Dot in Braidwood, and checking out the restored gas station in Dwight.

And then they’re gone.

They’re the national and international tourists still drawn to the Mother Road. They drive classic cars and travel in campers. They ride motorcycles, even scooters. And they want to say they traveled the length of Route 66.

From the guestbook in the restored Ambler’s Texaco station in Dwight it appears that every nation in the European Union was respresented there last week.

And Tuesday it was time for the Australians and New Zealanders.

“I will be doing four of these trips next year,” said Aussie tour guide Dale Butel. “This is a very popular adventure for my clients.”

On this day, Butel’s 30 clients were driving a fleet of Mustang convertibles, each adjusting to driving on the other side of the road.

“They are still pretty docile with the cars right now, but they will be discovering their right foot as we move along,” Butel noted.

He explained that Australians and New Zealanders have their share of car nuts, and that watching American TV has sparked their interest in the cars and roads of America.

“So, we fly into O’Hare and we get our cars. And our first little test drive is to Manteno,” Butel explained. “These people love hot rods, so they all want to meet Troy Trepanier (a Manteno custom car builder).

“I personally consider him in the top five in the whole world, mate. So I have no problem with spending part of our first day there.”

Tuesday’s destination was Springfield. The group has 12 days to get to Las Vegas.

“All the trips are a little different,” he said. “Some want to see the Grand Canyon. Some want to go all the way to Santa Monica. This group wants to finish in Vegas and skip the Los Angeles traffic.”

All the cars are equipped with GPS and special Route 66 maps. Butel also supplies a cell phone. They’re driven by folks such as Richard Gordon, a 61-year-old self-employed steel fabricator from Brisbane, and Stuart Morris, a 72-year-old New Zealander who is sharing the driving with another car enthusiast, a buddy he’s known for 50 years.

“This station here (in Dwight) is very typical of the stations we used to see in New Zealand,” he said. “I’m looking forward to seeing more of your country.”

Lisa McCormack is one of the few women who signed up for this driving marathon. A native of Victoria, Australia, she came along to be part of a special gift her siblings gave her dad.

Dwight tourism Volunteer Barb Pokarney and Mainstreet program director Janice Lauritzen answered questions behind the service counter and in the lube bay of the station, built in 1933. While this group was easily understood, they have learned to tell the French, German, Swedish, Italian and Spanish visitors that the old pumps no long dispense 25-cent gasoline.

“Through July, we have had something like 30 different countries and 33 states represented in our guestbook,” Lauritzen said. “And, although not everyone signs the book, the station is drawing people seven days a week, nearly all year long.”

HOME. anything stephen says is fucking gay

Your pics and gifs always make me lol no matter how tired I am or what mood I'm in. You should post something new every week or so

Yes, it's true that the only thing now exciting about this forum is your changing display picture/signature.:cry:
And people say its just the kids who post every single shit of their life on the web.

enjoy the maowntainz
Am now in Cairns.

Here's a pic of the full moon over Uluru last night.

