The "which demo are you worshipping" Thread

Some stuff I recently added to my RYM demo journal:

Costa Rican avant-tech brutal-slam? Definitely an interesting one, kinda reminds me of Gorguts at times. A band to keep an eye on.

This demo fucking rules! Especially that middle chunk of tracks. If this is any indication of where Arkham Witch are at mentally then their next album is really gonna kick ass. Heavy and catchy the way true metal should be!

The production definitely holds this back, and it's more frustrating because it feels like an intentional aesthetic choice, losing some intricacies in the process. However buried beneath that murk is some very epic progressive death metal with all sorts of nice little melodic and symphonic elements. Recommended for anybody who likes a lot of atmosphere.

Raw and fuzzy UK death metal that plods along in a pretty suffocating way, really grew on me. The faster parts are filthy.

Typically I don't care much for funeral doom with exception of some older classics, but this Scottish demo really wormed its way into my mind as it was playing. Very suffocating atmosphere, and the two middle tracks in particular were great. That synth is heavy!

Every band doing the whole metalcore + brutal death seems to start out with interesting demos only to instantly shit the bed the moment it's time to record a debut. Hopefully that won't be the case with these guys because this was awesome. The production is especially a highlight here, and the vocalist doesn't have that usual throaty hardcore yell but rather sounds more like a late 80's/early 90's death metal vocalist.

This is pretty cool. Lots of NWOBHM/doom in the riffs, at least in the first song.
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