The "Whine your ass off "-Thread.

alright, i've just had a look at the yo-talo calendar and guess what? farmakon plays on the 6th of august!! @%X!#@!! :yell:
why, oh why are you always on stage when i cannot come to see you, hm?!?
you do it on purpose, i know... you're evil... :cry:
because i won't be in finland for a couple of weeks (care for some m&m's, btw? :p), but i think i might make it to turku *mumble* in which club are you gonna play?
~Zeanra~ said:
I supposed to get a night bus till home, then read from a paper at the bus stop that they only go for Friday and Saturday nights. I went to snore into Rusty's hostel for two hours and then took the first morning bus home around 6am. :zzz:
I missed this before... You didn't get the bus until 6? So you waited around outside for an hour after you left? You should've come back, or told me, or something, I was just lying there bored :p
There is a chance to go in this metal-ship between Sweden and Finland. It´s in September and it leaves from Stockholm. This means I´d have to take 2 separate boat- trips and that is NOT fun. Any idea how much would and airplane cost to Stockholm and back?
Yes, I´m too lazy to check that out myself right now and there has to be even some life on this forum before a whole month goes by :bah:
Pitäiskö kirjottaa englanniksi kun otsikkokin on enkuksi...? Ok.

I'm at the office, there's a shitload of work to do and I am getting flu and my nose is running. :yell:

How about you tooled? Anything to whine about?
I'm just so bored.. Nothing to do here at work.. Just surfing :erk: and waiting and surfing..
And.. thanks for asking :worship:
nauru poikki jumalauta! :err: yhellä vois pärjätä alkuun. tosin kovan kilpailuvietin omaavana vois kaverille kans pistää :loco: aika vitun kallista..