My Ass, Your Hands


Apr 5, 2003
...Some of you may think this is a joke, but it isn't!

Some of the guys on campus... or should I say some of the FABULOUS guys on campus have started shooting for an independent documentary... I assume it will be quite FABULOUS.... The name "My Ass, Your Hands" is almost a direct tribute to Opeth though I don't know whether opeth should be honored or offended by the fabulous documentary.

That's pretty much all I know right now. "My Ass, Your Hands" is expected to be finished before the end of the year. I'm not involved with the project, but it has stirred quite a controversy about campus.

Fabulous news, eh? :lol:
N-MAYH said:
indeed.... whats the documentary about though?
I'm not COMPLETELY sure but I think it is about fabulous lifestyles, including those of some of the fabulous metalheads involved in the project..
I'm at school, so I can't watch the video link thing right now. It sounds like you mean some gay metalheads will be making a documentary about their lifestyle (I'm assuming that's why you repeatedly used the word 'fabulous'). Is that what you're getting at? If so, what's controversial or offensive about that? :erk: