Opeth @ The Grand Ballroom San Francisco OCT.6

ARE YOU GOING TO SAN FRANCISCO?!? <in Mike's Death voice> Was probably one of the coolest things ever

I will be posting pictures and video soon. Damn, that show fucking ruled.
The band seemed to have a lot of fun last night.
Totally awesome show. Here are some thoughts I had during the set...

- Opeth 2008, this is the best I've ever seen this lineup. They're all playing off eachother really well. They're ALMOST perfect... but...
- Either Opeth needs to fire their sound guy, or the Regency needs to fire theirs. I'm thinking it's the Regency.
- Axe can play the drums. He needs to learn how to play the cymbals.
- Mike needs to bite the bullet and get a VOX AC30 for his clean tones. I know he wants to. The Laney's just ain't workin.
- Frederik standing in front of a Marshall full stack: Metal. Fredrick standing in front of a Marshall full stack that ISN'T TURNED ON: Priceless.
- Per makes the band. But don't tell him that.
- Next time, I want to hear Black Rose Immortal. Or I will keep yelling it until I do.
T Either Opeth needs to fire their sound guy, or the Regency needs to fire theirs. I'm thinking it's the Regency.
Yeah I don't know what was up w/ the sound. I think the Regency had a bunch of rookies working last night. I was on the rail to the right (sorry if I hit anyone in the face w/ my hair during Opeth) and during Baroness and High on Fire all I could hear was the guitars, and the tones were horrible.
I think this was my 5th Opeth SF show that I have seen. The song list was great and they must have played a 2 hour set. I agree the sound quality was not up to par whereever I stood in the room. Best sound quality was when they played at the Pound and The Filmore was pretty good too.
I dunno man I was downstairs near the middle and for the most part the sound was fantastic I thought. Probably attributed to where I was in the room, because for the High on Fire I was upstairs and definitely noticed a difference.

Anyway, this was the best fucking Opeth show ever :kickass: and I need to spam it in the face of my friends who didn't go. Does anyone remember the entire set list they played last night?
Yeah I don't know what was up w/ the sound. I think the Regency had a bunch of rookies working last night. I was on the rail to the right (sorry if I hit anyone in the face w/ my hair during Opeth) and during Baroness and High on Fire all I could hear was the guitars, and the tones were horrible.

Yeah, it was bad. If Opeth don't have a full time sound guy, they need one--someone who knows the songs, and knows when to turn down the super low end of the distorted organ--as awesome as it is, it needs to come down at certain times (like in parts of Serenity Painted Def).

I volunteer for the job :kickass:
sounded good from when i was (towards the back in the middle). ive always been dissapointed by their live sound, and mogwai sounded pretty good there so i dont think its the venue. i remember the vocals sounding a little low for the first couple songs and some of the leads overpowering the other guitar but thats about it. could definitely be better though.
What's wrong with the way Axe "play the cymbals"? I agree that the clean guitar was pretty muddy, but I think it got better as the set progressed, so it was mostly the engineers' fault. Although adding a VOX for cleans is never a bad idea. Right on about Per. Well, I maybe I wouldn't say that he makes the band (as proved by history, I suppose), but he adds so fucking much, and the energy that guy has alone might make the band a much better live act. So glad they played "The Grand Conjuration." Did people enjoy High on Fire? I fucking loathed them, but I'm curious as to what others think. Totally missed Baroness as expected; how were they?
Best. Show. Ever.

..excluding the bad sound and a few annoying people. I can forgive the latter. Maybe the sound was only bad up front. It was perfect the last time I went to that venue.

I was on the barricade, right in front of Mendez.

Baroness wasn't really my cup of tea. High on Fire, had seen them plenty of times already, and I'm fan, but not being able to hear vocals = lame.

I'm so glad they looped the ending to NATSW a few more times longer than on the RT. Epic. Especially since they didn't play Masters Apprentice.

Anyone else get totally lost after the concert driving back to wherever they came from? Fuck SF and their shitty streets! More specifically, fuck closing part of I-80!!! I got lost a billion times and had to ask some sketchy dude at the gas station where the fuck I was.

Anyways, the show was amazing. I was so amazed that they played Bleak.
Anyone else get totally lost after the concert driving back to wherever they came from? Fuck SF and their shitty streets! More specifically, fuck closing part of I-80!!! I got lost a billion times and had to ask some sketchy dude at the gas station where the fuck I was.

My g/f got me one of those Garmin GPS things for the car for my birthday last month. Used it on a weekend trip up to San Francisco & Concord and that thing is awesome! :kickass: Easily one of the best presents I've ever gotten.

I even helped a guy that was lost up in Twin Peaks. He was off by a couple of streets but was so mixed up he didn't know which way to go.
It was an AMAZING show. I went with my dad because he's a fan too. For Baroness, High on Fire, and the first two Opeth songs I couldn't hear the vocals at all. Then they fixed it and the sound was really good. I thought that the Paramount had much better acoustics/sound. Fredriks solo at the end of Hope Leaves was ORGASMIC. Why can't they re-record it with that??? It was unbelievable. I think that was my favorite part of the show. Highlights were that, Bleak, Serenity Painted Death, and Deliverance. My dad's favorite songs were Deliverance and The Night and the Silent Water. Mike was hilarious, as always, and did I mention that Axe is fucking amazing??? I loved , "We are heavy metal... but with some beautiful acoustic parts. Some people say that's pussy. Those are the people that get no pussy." hahaha

The set list was (though it may not be 100%):
Heir Apparent
Grand Conjuration
Hope Leaves
Superstitious Man ;)
Burden Teaser ;)
Lotus Eater
Serenity Painted Death
The Metal Song :D
Demon of the Fall

Drapery Falls

Before the show I met Baroness and he went back and gave Mendez my painting. Mendez and everyone else (except Mikael who was in an interview) came out to say hi/thank you and sign some stuff. I think that Mendez genuinely liked it because he had a big smile. I learned that he too is an artist "but not like I am". I said that I'm a musician, but not like he is. ;) Axe is one of the nicest guys I've had the pleasure to meet twice. ;) They all recognized me from last time and they said that Mike had my panel on the bus the entire time and that he did end up taking it with him to Stockholm. The merch. lady (Aaren) knew who I was too and she gave me a few extra freebies. After the show I stayed for over an hour waiting for them to come out to their bus because I wanted to talk to Mikael and ask him to sign some stuff. I left at 1:20 and he still hadn't come out. :( Well... I had already met him and I can just have him sign my vinyls next time. I'll post pics later.

p.s. Per's beard is epic.
Thanks Ozz! Now I can torture my friends appropriately.

The Metal Song

LOL that was awesome. :lol: