The Wisdom of Scott Waldrop

Plus, you still haven't clarified the hypocricy of having Voltax and Seax then...

Simon you were there when Voltax asked to come back.

Seax are back because they came to me right away and wanted on second stage. They bought their tickets. They support the fest. So many bands want on but don't wanna buy their tickets...can't wait around forever.
Listen, I'm not complaining that Voltax is coming back. They're great. I'm just saying your logic this time around is failing.

Voltax will draw better this time around playing in the city. I know of a lot of people who didn't go the second year because it being way out in the burbs who can now see them. It also worked out because flights from Mexico are cheaper at this moment and there was three sponsors this time helping out and the band is covering half has well.

It isn't like Mike was like...well I want this band again just because. there is a lot of factors on why. Also for those who are upset at Voltax coming back...go to the other room then and check out a band there while they are playing.
Voltax will draw better this time around playing in the city. I know of a lot of people who didn't go the second year because it being way out in the burbs who can now see them. It also worked out because flights from Mexico are cheaper at this moment and there was three sponsors this time helping out and the band is covering half has well.

It isn't like Mike was like...well I want this band again just because. there is a lot of factors on why. Also for those who are upset at Voltax coming back...go to the other room then and check out a band there while they are playing.

You're not listening Robert. I have no problems with them being booked. Just saying your reasoning for not booking TTD makes no sense.

I think Voltax will draw huge this time around honestly.
You're not listening Robert. I have no problems with them being booked. Just saying your reasoning for not booking TTD makes no sense.

I think Voltax will draw huge this time around honestly.

what makes no saying Mike books the fest? Or that I said that since I already saw them I have no interst in them playing....

let's lay it out for you slow folks.....

1. Mike books the fest. I have his ear on stuff. 95% of the time he disagree's and we fight all night about it. Next day we move on.

2. I said I just saw them so no need. Yes...selfish. Sure. But even mike has noted that I have been less and less selfish with wanting to see bands I want over what is good for the fest. Since I just saw TTD headline a month ago...the real need for me to see them again soon is diminished. I would rather get to see another band I haven't seen yet. I think 100% of us would be the same way. And this is coming from a huge TTD supporter.

3. They would be coming in from a long distance so it would cost. Would the cost out wiegh what they would bring in. now many people ( jason ) would say...well it is all about the package in total. True...but there is limited slots left...there is a bunch of tradtional / classic metal sounding stuff already. Getting more of the same isn't going to bring in new people or more people. It is just going to make the same 200 content. I would love to see all traditonal metal acts on the bill. It would be killer. But even I know that the draw will be the same and then lose money...thus really putting the fork in the fest. I don't want that to happen.

4. People are so upset over the return bands. There are going to be like 20 other bands...these same people will be the same ones who come late anyways missing some bands or not even watch half the bands so I really don't know why they are so upset. There are lots of reasons why things happen. If people want to know why I took Seax again? Here....Matt and Hel are super nice guys and I like helping good people. They are a lot of fun. much as he rubs people the wrong way, he promotes well and is funny in his own way. Last year they went to the airport for mike to get OZ. They have that huge ass bus. They helped out last year with gear for a few bands even. They went above and beyond more than most bands have. They are team players. So when they asked to play again...I am not going to say no to that. Haters can go and watch another band play while they are on. You are not stuck in that room with them.

Hopefully this helps.
Yes, it helps.
Would have been easier to simply say, "YES I AM BEING SELFISH" LOL

But yes, I agree with why TTD at this point won't help overall.

I don't think anyone is upset about VOLTAX.
You were speaking out of both sides of your mouth and you were called out on it.
I had no idea Marc from Twisted Tower would be the live drummer for Gravewurm at their show in Providence last weekend. I was floored to find out who he was. Friendly guy, totally down to chat with a random fan like me. TTD rules.
I had no idea Marc from Twisted Tower would be the live drummer for Gravewurm at their show in Providence last weekend. I was floored to find out who he was. Friendly guy, totally down to chat with a random fan like me. TTD rules.

they are all great them at Warriors of Metal. One guy was in October 31 when they played Ragnarokkr as well.
Huh? That "one guy" has always been in October 31.
He is also in While Heaven Wept...........

Hey, I almost hooked you up with a hot fairy.
I am not giving you her number now!!!