Disappointing albums of 2013

Well Sammet seems to be trying to do more of a stadium rock kind of thing, a la Scorpion and even more recent Edguy. I don't really hate it, but the best songs for him are always the power metal songs. It's just what he's good at, same with the crowd of musicians he associates with.
Well Sammet seems to be trying to do more of a stadium rock kind of thing, a la Scorpion and even more recent Edguy. I don't really hate it, but the best songs for him are always the power metal songs. It's just what he's good at, same with the crowd of musicians he associates with.

Yup. Moreso Edguy. You basically said what I've been saying though for years. He wants to be the new Scorpions, but the truth is he's at his best when he does power metal. Too bad he doesn't realize this.
The new Coven 13 I thought was really weak. I know a number of you don't like their first album, but I love it. This one just seems really weak.

Also the new Satyricon. This was probably my most anticipated album of the year as they're my favorite black metal band at the moment, but it just didn't grab me like all the others.

I like the first Coven myself, I always wanted to reissue it. It sounds like an early 80s UK goth rock band, and the singer would fit well in a Bauhaus tribute band. However any appeal to the typical metal fan and especial doom fan was always lost on me. I can certainly see it not appealing to many metal fans, nor would it go over well with many old goth rock fans probably due to lyrical content. The band always struck me as a square peg ("totally different head, totally" old people might get that reference HAHA
I have yet to hear the new album but will soon.
Warlord was the biggest disappoint for me, but then again I did not expect too much.
I've been digging the Warlord once I got over my own expectations. I had to adjust laterally to its more moderate and controlled sound (I was ready for a fist-pumping rager at first). It's solidly in the "like" column for me. I'm kind of a Zonder fanboy anyway, so I love how the production and the arrangements leave room for him to stretch out.
I've been digging the Warlord once I got over my own expectations. I had to adjust laterally to its more moderate and controlled sound (I was ready for a fist-pumping rager at first). It's solidly in the "like" column for me. I'm kind of a Zonder fanboy anyway, so I love how the production and the arrangements leave room for him to stretch out.

I love it, but as I said in my Top 10 post, I have only heard random songs of theirs previously. I don't own any of their other stuff in full. I can certainly see and understand the reaction.
Luckily (?), my expectations for new releases are lower than ever so I don't have too many disappointments anymore. I got Goatcraft's debut album "All For Naught" because their demo was interesting, but the album sucks. None of the pieces (I'm not sure I should call them songs) go anywhere. And whoever mastered it is fucking incompetent.
I wasn't terribly impressed with 13 at first, but with each listen it gets better and better. Definitely a grower.

It's one of those albums where I hear something new and catch something different with each listen. Also, some of those songs simply crushed live which is why I was more open than many to give this one more repeat listenings.
It's one of those albums where I hear something new and catch something different with each listen. Also, some of those songs simply crushed live which is why I was more open than many to give this one more repeat listenings.

there are a lot of albums / songs that after you hear it live it works then.
Hey!! We agree on something today!!!!! :)

The converse works too. Nothing worse than being excited about a band and their new album, and then seeing them blow live.

there has been a few bands where the new album didn't click but live it really helped...then there are a lot of bands where the new material doesn't carry over good as well. it is that double edge sword I guess.