Disappointing albums of 2018

New Primordial was pretty lame. Haven’t heard Ghost yet but from what I’ve been reading it might join my list as well.

Fuck, Ghost has a new album? Have to listen tomorrow. I thought Meliora was great fun.

I haven’t kept up with Primordial since The Gathering Wilderness. What’s so disappointing about their newest?

Also, do you recommend anything after The Gathering Wilderness?

Of course, To the Nameless Dead is a great piece. I also have to check out their latest album. But the two before it were acceptable as well.

New Primordial was mildly disappointing. But yes, Nameless Dead is remarkable, and may actually feature their best material. I'd rank it just above Gathering Wilderness and Storm Before Calm.

Also, not sure if I'm in the minority, but I've always found Storm Before Calm to be amazing, yet I rarely see it mentioned.

Primordial haven't released anything truly great since The Gathering Wilderness so I wasn't really disappointed by the album quality wise. The disappointment with it is that there weren't more songs like "To Hell of the Hangman."

I still can't get over that you think Spirit the Earth Aflame is their best. :p

The new Amorphis is great

I thought it mostly sucked. Had one or two decent songs.
Spirit the Earth Aflame is their best (from what I’ve heard which is everything up to and including The Gathering Wilderness). It’s also not really a strange opinion. It’s a highly regarded album within their discography.
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That wasn't a reference to the strangeness (or ordinariness) of the opinion, but to conversations I've had with Mort in the distant past about Primordial's material.

And if we're entertaining the illusion of objectivity, then Spirit is definitely not their best. Storm Before Calm is better, and The Gathering Wilderness is more definitive and exciting (if less consistent/balanced than Spirit).
The new Hoth. They've gone in a heavier/thrashier direction that isn't even good Black/Thrash. They should have stuck with the slightly cheesy hook saturated melodic black sound they were one of the best at on Oathbreaker.
Spirit the Earth Aflame and A Journey's End are the pinnacle of Primordial, clearly. Those "heroic" vocals suck on later releases