Disappointing albums of 2013

Dude, I was just thinking the other day how I still needed to pick up the new Goatcraft. Thanks for the reminder.

Ha ha ha ha! I can always trade you my copy if you really want it. One good thing I can say about Goatcraft is that there are no other bands like it. It sounds like black metal played on piano.
To be honest nothing really disappointed me because for the most part I don't even know an album is coming out until I hear it. Some exceptions would be Warlord, Attacker and Borrowed Time but they all lived up to my expectations, and Black Sabbath far exceeded them.

I totally agree on the Avantasia thing. Every album they've done since The Metal Opera 1 & 2 has had a few good tracks with mostly garbage. Therefore, my expectations for them were low and what do you know they met them. Same could be said for most "big" German bands (Edguy, Gamma Ray, Helloween...).
I seriously hope you detected my sarcasm....
Never even remotely heard of em!
