The Wisdom of Scott Waldrop

Sorry, I should have clarified.
He wanted to approach him to give him a demo CD.
I had to give him a little nudge to do so.
That's why I refered to him as "guitarist Lee"
Well, its what, like 5 flights from Puerto Rico?
Probably not as east of a booking as one might think.

what might work best for them would be to book a tour around Ragnarokkr, and not demand from Odin the full flight amount.

Well, he may not ask for full. I know he also wants to vend there.

The only thing I would say with them is it might be best to get them on the following year as they (not trying to stereotype but just stating facts) might bring in the same demographic as Voltax.
Simon, I will play devil's advocate and say that is a GOOD thing if they draw from the same crowd, which I don't totally agree with.

Having BOTH bands might pull in the Mexi-Ricans who might otherwise be on the fence on coming.

Musically they are completely different though.