the words "tr00" and "kvlt"

It's not a problem to me. It's the internet. The day that people are afraid to be idiots or morons (jokingly, mind you) on the internet is the day the internet should be shut down.
Yes, that would be nice, but where would the posters in the Opeth forum go?

I'm not defending those "words" (hell, I don't even know what half of them mean), but like I said, if they are used in a joking manner, I don't see a problem. But I agree that someone using those words in an actual debate or argument loses credibility quickly.

No one had a problem with those words a year ago, though. And people still use "n00b".
Haha, I remember that post when Erik got mad at me for saying kvlt, even though I was joking. :p

I think l33t speak is funny, as long as the sarcastic tone is kept (funny haha). Actually, when it's being used seriously, it's funny too (funny uh-oh).

Ignoradicator 2000+
I said Watchmaker is kvlt as fuck . . . and I meant it! But if anybody takes my posts as either serious or joking, they are whack. Because I am always seriously joking . . . or jokingly serious . . . either way I at least know how to capitalize my sentences (most of the time).
J. said:
What is "l33t"?
Leet or elite. Computer language used widely in the mid to late 80's. Comprised of a code that was then untranslateable by computers. Its degraded into a bunch of Kids picking and choosing elements of the codee and using them constant-fucking-ly (i.e. Tr00 kvlt Gr1m etc).