Why "kvlt" and "tr00"

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
Where do these spellings originate from, and why are they used? I thought it was just a joke by people mocking BM elitism, but it seems that bands and websites use it seriously (well, at least "kvlt").

I thought it was used as mockery of Norse black metal too. I guess "kvlt" is spelt that way because the v almost looks like a u, and because Norse languages uses a k instead of a c when spelling "cult".. And some black metal bands want to be cult and underground, I guess.

Tr00 because it's almost like troo which is spelled true :p
Aah right, In thought that might be the origin! Similar to "pwn" instead of "own" then.

But WHY do this code, I can't imagine it's any quicker, nor easy to read, nor funny or anything, so why? :p
Kvlt comes from the way that some metal bands (such as Behemoth) use words like "ov" and things like that so it looks more evil. Also, the Romans, (and I'm pretty sure nations afterwards) used V's instead of U's on stone tablets because as we all know, U's are curved, making them hard to set into stone.

Kvlt is impossible to say without sounding dumb.
i always thought tr00 was just 1337 sp34k for the word true. Mostly mocking elitism with BM and DM and stuff. But kvlt i never heard. Then again i'm not deeply obsessed with Black Metal to the extent of some BM elitists around the web.
Does anyone actualy use 1337 as a language? I've seen heaps of things mocking it by using it, but never come across anyone who's ever actualy used it proplerly, since its so fucking useless.