the words "tr00" and "kvlt"

There's nothing wrong with REAL true grim kult black metal, and I really don't have anything against kvlt or trve as long as the user does not try to mock black metal (Those words are mostly used in that way, though) but people are stupid and I hate them.
Sorath said:
There's nothing wrong with REAL true grim kult black metal, and I really don't have anything against kvlt or trve as long as the user does not try to mock black metal (Those words are mostly used in that way, though) but people are stupid and I hate them.
Using those word irritates me a LOT. Of course depending on the situation. But in general I can totally agree with BWD.

My brain is refusing to switch on the meaning to the letters GMD. What band is that? ( I know how idiotic I will soon feel...)
I think a hidden programming instruction that would display a BSOD or general protection fault whenever the offending words are posted would be a good idea, or better yet a restraining order keeping the idiot from being within fifty yards of a computer.