The worst DT-songs

well many people that like melodic death metal and black metal such as my self would say that skydancer and the gallery are best two dt album while people who likes rammstein and stuff like that would that heaven us there best.crimson winds(love the guitars going in two different way with such evil sound) and in tears bereaved are the two best songs from dt. i wouldnt say that songs from dt arent good cause one day i might wake up in the mood of hearing such song and loving it .
well many people that like melodic death metal and black metal such as my self would say that skydancer and the gallery are best two dt album while people who likes rammstein and stuff like that would that heaven us there best.

Hmmm... I´m into melodic death and black metal, and I dislike Rammstein and bands like that... BUT I must say that I think that Haven is way better than Skydancer. So I don´t think that your reasoning is correct, eventhough I may be the exeption...
Am I?
Well, just my two cents anyway, take care.

Curses!! while I'm not much of a Skydancer fan, I LOVE all of the other songs on the original list-- shit, Dissolution Factor Red is probably my favorite song off of TMI, MFI is my favorite off of The Gallery-- man, my tastes must just suck! :loco:
I must say I really dont agree with picking any one song as being bad, because all those songs you have listed are very underated and if you listen to them often you pick out little parts in them you become addicted to. I was listening to Atom's Heart 243.5 which I never really liked before but just now I picked out the part -Death rode these silent caravans......- and it my now my fav. part. I will listen to the whole song just to hear it.

Although I really didnt like one song on Chaos and Eternal night , this morning when I relized I had to wake up and rake the Flamming Shades of Fall for about 3 hours today. I tell you no fun at all :D
Originally posted by terria

As a veteran of the fruit wars I am waiting for the apples...:lol:

Oh yeah, I almost forgot those! Should we use oranges this time..? :)

About the question, whether or not this kind of polls should/can be made, I think the answer is rather irrelevant. As long as we can choose "the best" (=our favorite) song, we can also choose "the worst" (=our least favorite) song. And if someone keeps saying that he/she can't choose his/her favorite(s), then be it so. But as long as the rest (="we") can make those hard decicions, I'd say that your resistance is rather futile.

So, all in all, I'm going to make this poll (actually, several polls probably) and those who are willing to participate can do so.

After all, the main reason of these polls is to show, how subjective our views are - they reveal things like I'm almost the only one who dislikes ThereIn (but it's also on TheMindzI's list!) and Phyre is the only one who likes Midway through Infinity :p (okay, there must be others as well).

And in the end, throwing some apples at others is pretty fun sometimes. :muahaha:

rotten are better. ;)

i dislike therein, too. but, honestly, the poll should contain all dt songs, to allow foolish people who dislike, say, lethe, to express their feelings and being beaten silly just for the fact. :)

By some reason does I have problem with the most songs on skydancer and of chaos...I don't really know why, but there are some really good songs on thoose two records. On the rest records are almost everyone extremly good.

I know that I will get alot of crap by this post, but I have to say my opinion.:err:
I know that I will get alot of crap by this post, but I have to say my opinion.

There´s no such thing as givin´crap to people at this board...:) Some apple throwin´maybe, but that´s about it...:)

And, BTW, your opinion is not that rare... :)

Wha..?? I like Day to End... :cry:

Hm...I don't find Nightfall so good DT song...there's something "missing" in that song,it's a bit boring...uhm..yeah...I don't know how good I'm saying anything about DT,I don't have all their albums so...