The Zen of eBay - Interesting Stories?

Got you beat, but only just: Tuesday, Jan 12, 1999 :)

I have around 20 transactions though, not very much.
markgugs said:
I've also been known to bid the fucking hell out of something just so the other fucker has to pay the now egregious amount.

I've done that when I know I can't afford an item I want, just to be spiteful! :grin:

I've been using eBay for a good two years now, but very infrequently. Nearest thing to a horror story I've got is when I got a new housekey and needed a key-ring for it (gotta have a key ring!), so I decided to get a Final Fantasy 7 one. To justify shipping from America I bid on two posters as well. Next morning, I wake up to find I was outbid on $0.50 for the key ring...but got the posters :p as it happened I lost my key a month or two later, so it didn't really matter...
I also remember bidding on two Tenchi Muyo! films and half a dozen tapes from the OVA series', and sniping other bastards in the middle of a German lesson in school when the auctions ended :p thank CHRIST we were on the computers that lesson! The first film ended up costing me £17, bloody hell...
markgugs said:
The shipping fees do irk me somewhat. Most people will automatically charge between $3-$5 to ship a single CD, when you can pretty much ship that same CD (with jewel case mind you) anywhere in the U.S. for about $1.50 first class. I called some little cunt out on that fact, and he bitched that it was to cover his "other expenses," like padded envelope, etc.

Fucking twats.

I charge $4.50 to anyone I don't know. .56 for envelope + $1.80-$2.00 first class, plus gas, plus having to deal with the lines at the post office.

And I don't give a fuck!

In fact, my Vital Remains cd I just sold... I got $90 for.

In fact, my Vital Remains cd I just sold... I got $90 for.
Hey, which one was that? 'Cause if it was either "Let Us Pray" or "Into Cold Darkness" I am going to feel very smug knowing I paid less than $10/each for them.
Yeah but were they signed? I think Papa sold a signed copy. People tend to pay lots of $$ for signed copies of CDs for some reason. For the most part, they just assume that the scribble on the front cover is real. And even if it were, who cares about a signature?

It's nice to get your own stuff signed because it means you met the band etc. I've never understood why people would pay loads to get something that was signed for someone else.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah but were they signed? I think Papa sold a signed copy. People tend to pay lots of $$ for signed copies of CDs for some reason. For the most part, they just assume that the scribble on the front cover is real. And even if it were, who cares about a signature?

It's nice to get your own stuff signed because it means you met the band etc. I've never understood why people would pay loads to get something that was signed for someone else.

Actually, it wasn't signed, I just had a cool story with my purchase of it..
Their vocalist, Jeff Gruslin sells stuff on eBay, and that's who I got it from for $11, like 3 or 4 years ago.

And it was "Into Cold Darkness" phyre.