The''Imagination'' Thread!!!

''BOOOM!", "SPLEAORT"....came the thuds and plops from beneath Chief Inspector Rathbones exposed underparts, as he pinched off another truly satisfying hot loaf.
Rathbones jumped up alarmed and puled his pantaloons up, ignoring the feisty smears of processed ex-food stuck like mud to the crack of his hairy colonel. He checked his hair in the mirror and set off to the Police carpark where his steed was parked...
aware that something was amiss. CRACK. He never stood a chance. As his eyes rolled back on the sickly slope to blackness he realised slowly throughout the course of infinity that a masked assailant had broken his skull with the tail end of a snooker cue, sending splinters of bone into his perverted brain matter. As hot salty blood seeped from his nostrils onto the dirty carpark floor, his steed was usurped and sped off in the direction of the town square. The scallies had struck their first blow ...
dirty trainees ran off into the distance. The body lay bleeding for hours as taxis drove past, drunken men staggered and women cried for attention. Rathbones was a gonner, still and cold. A stray dog sniffed at his soiled trousers..
....and started to eat his ugly penoot. Finding it rather tasty, the dog worked his way up the torso, where he found Rathbone's multi-dimentionsional tit-cord.....