mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
that was a very clever comment dude, but in that case the main reason for this war isnt religion but more freedom and independance like.
Sure mate, but freedom and independence doesnt include the rage, rapes, assaults and unrightfully steal each other's land and settlements.
Sometimes you need to do something ugly to create something beautiful, but that should be a last resort.
Didnt it start off with someone claiming a piece of our earth stating
Look, here's a piece of land for you poor homeless lot: this is Palestine and this is Israel - sorry mates, but it seems that you have to share this hill, this temple and this mosque, coz two books of all wisdom said some interesting stuff happened there?
WHo was that anyway!? Nail him!!
I've always thought religion was a medium through which you share and receive [... - fill in whatever], but maybe i was naive..
Since either side never wanted to
share what's a human rightfully his/hers, and untill that happens, no-one will ever be free, neither will the world be free of slavery in war. No-one in Israel or Palestine seems to realise that if this doesn't stop, none will be free. Let alone the upcoming generations growing up with that sense of aggression being an every-day part of their lives right now? They don't know what peace is about. Perhaps you do, but i think you're lucky being here, and unlucky at the same time - perhaps even torn between.
But getting back to the point - Things have changed, and things must change - the problem is right here in front of us, and isnt the same anymore as started out as. Without any examples of any (world-)leading persons (mostly representing a government with a clear religious preference), this whole thing wont come to an end. I think it's time for you, me, and the world to think, speak and act sensibly and take some serious responisble action, without putting ourselves first in line for the goods.
but 'ey, that's easy for me to say, living my life in reasonable perfection of freedom and liberty.