the *MAN* thread

cedarbreed said:
Did he use to bomb buses full of civilians ? Did he blast himself in a street with only women and children passing by ? Now you get it I think :p

what if his country would have been occupied for 50 years and the other countries wouldnt have made a single move, dont you honestly think french people would have come to this extreme too?
toolsofthetrade said:
killing in the name of religion is a contradiction in itself.

that was a very clever comment dude, but in that case the main reason for this war isnt religion but more freedom and independance like.
Mariner said:
mehdi, you think blowing up busses is fair? cheesy teenager stuff.
Throwing stones to tanks, thats cheesy teenager stuff there. gimme a break. all those kids are brainwashed. fucked up cause of those fellow terrorists.

throwing stones to tanks is cheesy teenager stuff??? brainwashed cause of fellow terrorists? have you ever tried to imagine and understand what it is like to live in palestine since 1948? you cheeky western kid are brainwashed proper way - the proof is that you just use the world 'terrorist' like its the truth cause youre telly said so. use yer brain [f.f.s.] :yell:
Mariner said:
oh yeah. but at least im (were) not supporting the israelies either. I mean were not brainwashed like those poor kids. and they dont know where they involved in.
At least we have a clue about it.

Oh come on, you're talking about them guys like they were dumb or something. Brainwashed? Hehe i don't think they are more than we are, THEY are spending their time under the bombs, not us ! So they probably know way better than us what's going on there.

Talking about it in a forum is bollix anyway, it's not gonna help anyone, exept maybe to reassurre your little self thru a kinda knowledge you think you have.No offense meant but i think in such case u can read all the books you want it wont be any help for the ones who are suffering.

fuck jihad, fuck islam, fuck jean moulin, fuck queen elizabeth : CRAP !
Ye can fuck whatever you want, it will always remains words.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
what if his country would have been occupied for 50 years and the other countries wouldnt have made a single move, dont you honestly think french people would have come to this extreme too?

I don't know and you can't know either. We can't re-write history. Speaking of it, if you look carefully at history, weren't the Hebrews there BEFORE ? It's not an affirmation, i'm not a specialist but I think it's the case, isn't it ?
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
what if his country would have been occupied for 50 years and the other countries wouldnt have made a single move, dont you honestly think french people would have come to this extreme too?

Thinking of it, I'm not sure my French ancestors would have come to this extreme anyway since we don't have that cult of martyrdom and suicide for the cause like in the extreme islamic cutlure. It's really something that pisses me off, like all those peeps I know who were happy on September 11th.
Anyway, it's a good thing towards public opinion to set yourself as an eternal victim here. The best way to discredit someone is to convince people he's an oppresor.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
that was a very clever comment dude, but in that case the main reason for this war isnt religion but more freedom and independance like.

Sure mate, but freedom and independence doesnt include the rage, rapes, assaults and unrightfully steal each other's land and settlements.
Sometimes you need to do something ugly to create something beautiful, but that should be a last resort.
Didnt it start off with someone claiming a piece of our earth stating Look, here's a piece of land for you poor homeless lot: this is Palestine and this is Israel - sorry mates, but it seems that you have to share this hill, this temple and this mosque, coz two books of all wisdom said some interesting stuff happened there?
WHo was that anyway!? Nail him!!

I've always thought religion was a medium through which you share and receive [... - fill in whatever], but maybe i was naive..

Since either side never wanted to share what's a human rightfully his/hers, and untill that happens, no-one will ever be free, neither will the world be free of slavery in war. No-one in Israel or Palestine seems to realise that if this doesn't stop, none will be free. Let alone the upcoming generations growing up with that sense of aggression being an every-day part of their lives right now? They don't know what peace is about. Perhaps you do, but i think you're lucky being here, and unlucky at the same time - perhaps even torn between.

But getting back to the point - Things have changed, and things must change - the problem is right here in front of us, and isnt the same anymore as started out as. Without any examples of any (world-)leading persons (mostly representing a government with a clear religious preference), this whole thing wont come to an end. I think it's time for you, me, and the world to think, speak and act sensibly and take some serious responisble action, without putting ourselves first in line for the goods.

but 'ey, that's easy for me to say, living my life in reasonable perfection of freedom and liberty. :erk:
cedarbreed said:
Words of wisdom from Lenore ! But I guess it was Moody's point to start such an 'argument' by posting this pic :p

i'm not blaming anyone in particular, and i dont give a flying fuck on who started and so on. It was just a general statement and i had 5 minutes to spend on something so it was a good occasion hehe
right, i was sure everyone would get carried away and pull lovely words like HUMANITY and LIFE etc, but my point in the first place was : why people see palestinians as terrorists even tho theyre fighting for their freedom? thats the thing i dont get. of course, blasting a bus is extreme resistance but its also against extreme opression. its very cute how all of you hate both sides and love life and hate violence etc, but by calling palestinians 'terrorists' you do sound like making a clear difference between the goodies and the badies. thats my point.

funny i just read something in the newspaper today, the guy was on about these guys fighting against the governement in iran : 'a terrorist group is an organisation acting violently against civilian populations or abroad against citiziens of the same country. an organisation acting inside its country against the state cant be called 'terrorists' cause we would have to take the word 'Resistance' off the dictionary'

...god :cool:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
an organisation acting inside its country against the state cant be called 'terrorists' cause we would have to take the word 'Resistance' off the dictionary'

...god :cool:

Blasting civilians isn't acting against the state FFS ... That's what you don't seem (want?) to understand. But the Palestinian army is way too under-equipied to fight the Israelian one, am I wrong ? That's why they act this way. Now tell me why they attack civilians so often instead of attacking the army or official institutions ?? Still I won't deny that the Israelian army acts the same way. And I don't hate both sides. I feel real sorry for them, since they're both lost.

Tuesday 26th February 2002 was the Jewish Festival of Purim. Purim is the commemoration of the destruction of Hayman from the tribe of Amalek whose aim was the destruction of the Jewish people.

Jews throughout the world celebrate this festival and continue with the fight against Amalek in every generation. Today’s Amalek is Zionism and what it stands for, and annually on this day Jews throughout the world publicly burn the Zionist flag as a symbol of the destruction of evil. This takes place in New York, Brooklyn, Quebec (Canada), Monsey, and two places in occupied Palestine, and in here in England in London and Manchester.

See previous flag burnings:
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