The irrelevant thread


Jun 15, 2002
Ok... Since some of us in here have completely fucked up this board talking about lazy arse people, tennis players, belgian chocolates, pronouncing Dutch correctly and all sorts of (mostly) stupid and totaly irrelevant stuff, this thread should help to perserve the quality of the board a bit....

In other words, here you can post whatever the fuck you like, be it stupid or serious, important or ridiculous, anything at all... So come on now, don't be shy...

too late i already made the goodnight thread !!!
but if this thread still exits tomorrow i promise i'll ruin it with bullshit and nonsense :lol: :) :lol:
It must exist cos it's for a good purpose... To keep the board a bit serious and relevant to Anathema...
ok so i'll post my favourite joke :

a boy is fucking his sister and tells her :
' you know you fuck much better than mum ? '
' Yes i know dad already told me ' she replies

the way i like it
oh yeah baby
i've just had some good GREEK (not Belgian) chocolate... and i wanna go for a swim... and i want to listen to new antimatter mp3's soon... and... oh shut up!
Originally posted by sol83
i proposed gorik male prostitution too like 2 days before but he wouldn't listen... :lol:

I'll persuade him !!! it's no big deal , with latex you feel nothing and you earn lots of money ! Cmon Gorik ! Hey over there in Belgium you've got shop windows and that stuff no ?? cmon ... it's easy for you .... easy money !!!