the *MAN* thread

no i just think its all bollocks, as in everyone misunderstands everyones point and we all get anal about each other.
well maybe but i think i am intelligent and broad minded enough to get your point. i think i do get it. and my point is this...
its world war three and there is no solution and these religions are lies.
mehdis' right about the point of view thing. like, i'm a greek, and i really don't know what right the turks have to occupy norhtern cyprus since the '74 invasion. yet a turk will say that, turkish people were living in cyprus for many years before that and thus have a right to be there. so it all depends on what side you're looking at things. arabs want to claim their land back, jews want to maintain their land. you can't just say, "you're right and you're wrong". it's really fucked up, the whole thing is a mess...
man of the day. diego armando maradona.

i deleted me posts on this. i think i went too far and its a bit pointless anyway...i have me prejudices but no matter what, blowing loads of people up is shit. end of story. no buts.. no excuses...
israle are not gonna go away so the best thing might be to get over the past and the bitterness and the hated and try to live together in peace. no matter what happenned before. no surrender my arse. how many more children have to die? fuck the revolution.
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:

Tuesday 26th February 2002 was the Jewish Festival of Purim. Purim is the commemoration of the destruction of Hayman from the tribe of Amalek whose aim was the destruction of the Jewish people.

Jews throughout the world celebrate this festival and continue with the fight against Amalek in every generation. Today’s Amalek is Zionism and what it stands for, and annually on this day Jews throughout the world publicly burn the Zionist flag as a symbol of the destruction of evil. This takes place in New York, Brooklyn, Quebec (Canada), Monsey, and two places in occupied Palestine, and in here in England in London and Manchester.

See previous flag burnings:

mehdi.i.e.e.e my dearest "francies" friend.
the picure of orthodox jude you posted here is not a fake, there are two knowen anti zionist movements inside the jewish circle of streams.
they are both regarding any non-jews to sub humans, so dont worry, thier extrimism is shooting all directions. these slimes will never tuch a weapon, unlike the strongest commans of the Quraan - the Jihad and Istish`had (you know what im talking bout).
extrimists such these asswipes are not deadly to humanity, unlike islamic terror whom declared the western world as it`s enemy to destroy. you sound like a felow islamic believer, you should know all the specific rules and guidance against the sinners.


extrimists on the other side here in the area, are not those who show off with human blood on thier hands in Ramallah, but the daily mob whos clapping to the sight of it, and the sight of thousands of people crashing along with the WTC. the problem here os not the leaders, because the leaders are just an acho of the naiton. it`s the root education these people recieved from thier first day, that human`s life are worthless.
Thats maybe why the peace agreement we yearn for is taking so long... people simply take it hard this all idea of splitting the already shattered land.
so wake up, there is no black and white there is no two edges, there is no american hypocricy only and not all arabs are terror supporters, tho they are mainly muted by Hamas and Islaic Jihad as we all hear.
i met more then one palestinian in my short life, i find all of your talks empty cause most of them are not terro rsupportess and they feel humiliated to see the islamics behave such murderous way. we all hope thier voices will soon be heard LOUD, and without taking the ultimate risk while doing so.

back to the *MEN* buissiness:

last thing about the matter, i just wanted to point out that im not a 'terrorist supporter' cause im not supporting 'terrorists'. im just trying to say that i dont get it why everyone find it like 'necessary' when the chechnian Resistance blow russians, and not when palestinians do [funny to notice as well how poutine labels them 'terrorists' so the opinion goes all 'boooh' and 'aaaah']. im not saying its good or courageous or not even quite fair. im just saying dont call them fucking terrorists cause its a bit belittling what theyre fighting for.

and about them anti-zionists people from them ethics are a bit different than what you folklore just said [racism and that]. maybe theyre lying :confused: i enjoyed browsing them website tho.

back on topic :

Fuck the wars and Danzig, I need a real strong MAN now, I cannot put on that fucked up man-made shit toilet seat in my apartment, I need strength, and I'm too weak, please heeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :yell: :cry: :yell:


glens a puff cos of that gay wall paper behind him :lol:
he used to wear sparring gloves in the misfits so he could punch audience members that got lippy, thats pretty *MAN* in a retarded way