the *MAN* thread


pagan2002 said:
yeah murderers and pigs and death hungry deluded glory seekers. fuck hamas. big time.
dont give me that 'good cause' bollox either.
yeah sure.

yeah yeah yeah, the thing i dont get tho is back in 40s when french and brits were fighting against nazis to set them country free, why did everyone call them heroes and that. isnt it exactly the same? :confused:
oops, i forgot brits and french aint arabs and germans arent jews. im sorry, i take back what i said. damn arabs!
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
oops, i forgot brits and french aint arabs and germans arent jews. im sorry, i take back what i said. damn arabs!

And the Germans killed the Jews
And the Jews killed the Arabs
And the Arabs killed the hostages
And that is the news
And is it any wonder that the monkey's confused?
Moody, I think you can't judge the situation without living over there. You can't have a fair global view of the problem with the biased media or the propaganda from both sides.
I will never comprehend pro-Palestine people neither pro-Israel people. Don't you think they're both wrong ? Anyway, even my jewish mates are way more moderated concerning this issue.
I don't care who was there first, no one agrees on that, but now both peoples have to live side by side and if it doesn't calm down, the problem will never be solved until one side entirely destroys the other, that's the ( sad ) way it is.
Is this what you want ?
yep, cos i'm doing some other things now also and i can't really chat, you know... maybe later, sorry. :erk:
cedarbreed said:
Moody, I think you can't judge the situation without living over there. You can't have a fair global view of the problem with the biased media or the propaganda from both sides.
I will never comprehend pro-Palestine people neither pro-Israel people. Don't you think they're both wrong ? Anyway, even my jewish mates are way more moderated concerning this issue.
I don't care who was there first, no one agrees on that, but now both peoples have to live side by side and if it doesn't calm down, the problem will never be solved until one side entirely destroys the other, that's the ( sad ) way it is.
Is this what you want ?

mind you most of us never lived WW2 and still they call jean moulin a hero :grin: and in that very case theyre not both wrong. one is being invaded and the other is invading, this is as simple as that. of course at the end of the day its people killing people. but the thing i dont get is why none called french and brits wrong when they were fighting for their freedom, or any people who killed people to be free? thats what is doing me head in, how people call palestinians 'terrorists', and its actually the first time a country fighting for its own freedom is called 'terrorists'. and youre telling me about not trusting the media and that but the few comments i can read here are a proof that the western opinion is deffo manipulated by the media cause its like a common truth that palestinians are terrorists. BOLLOX :(
To blast a bus full of citizens isn't war or defending your country. it's TERRORISM, period. Don't call that *MAN* unless you think the main caracteristic of men is being coward and suicidally stupid, which can be true. Those fuckers just deserve to be hanged by the bollix :grin: and stoned to death ... Now, i will agree on the fact that the Israelian army is real good at blasting citizens too. That's why I said both sides are wrong. Can you still deny that ??? :confused:
yeah its them both. and its pity for thse terrorists, there would ve been a solution without their existence. maybe there wasnt any problem without them anyway.

and yes people are pushed by the leaders of the islam. (yeah same old shit we all know)

Mehdi. You not French. You're a true Arab.
the media always take the side tthat's best for them. US media, which are ALL crap, take the islralean side simply cos jewish interests are very high in the states (some even claim jews rule the planet...). same goes with brits, since tony is george's pet and if george tells him to jump from big benny,tony will.

now in this little shity and totaly insignificant country, hellas (aka greece), things are different. there is very strong anti-americanism here and thus great antisemitism. it's like, 8/10 greeks are with the palestinians. so it really depends on which side you're looking at stuff...

anyway... this is just me opinion... still, the outcome remains that humans are very stupid, dangerous and self-destructive... and god is dead.
Yes! Spot on Pieter! we saw him playing in a band called "3 degrés est" at a festival in belgium in may!!! :grin:

Anyway, I agree with Cedar... people are trying to solve a problem that can't be solved! Each time they speak about peace, someone explodes in an Israelian bus... Two hours later, some crappy israelian helicopters drop bombs over innocent palestinian citizens...

Who's to blame? :confused: