Theocracy now on


Jun 24, 2004
Minnesota, USA
Hey gang,

There's a website called that is one of my favorite metal websites. The guy (who is the lead singer of Ultimatum) has a MASSIVE metal CD collection and he gives great reviews of each CD. I have found that I use his site all the time, especially when I'm buying CDs. I get a discography, an honest review from a fellow metaller, plus notes on imports and other releases with extra cuts (I've avoided buying many CDs that I would have regretted due to his notes on varying releases).

Once I started getting into Christian metal, I thought for sure the site would lose value for me, but he's got all the Christian bands, too! When I saw that he had Lightforce covered, I knew he'd have everything I could possibily want reviewed.

Anyway, I sent him the Theocracy CD and he reviewed it and posted it. Check it out:

Spend some time on his site looking up your favorite metal bands and you'll find some very enjoyable and informative reading.
SeaStorm said:
Hey gang,

There's a website called that is one of my favorite metal websites. The guy (who is the lead singer of Ultimatum) has a MASSIVE metal CD collection and he gives great reviews of each CD. I have found that I use his site all the time, especially when I'm buying CDs. I get a discography, an honest review from a fellow metaller, plus notes on imports and other releases with extra cuts (I've avoided buying many CDs that I would have regretted due to his notes on varying releases).

Once I started getting into Christian metal, I thought for sure the site would lose value for me, but he's got all the Christian bands, too! When I saw that he had Lightforce covered, I knew he'd have everything I could possibily want reviewed.

Anyway, I sent him the Theocracy CD and he reviewed it and posted it. Check it out:

Spend some time on his site looking up your favorite metal bands and you'll find some very enjoyable and informative reading.
I'm a big fan of his site, too, and though I'm not religious, I have gotten the impression that he is, indeed, a Christian.

His grammar and spelling is terrible, though. Hahaha. Definitely a great site either way. I just discovered because he mentioned it in his recent update. He got Fear Of God's Within The Veil album from there. It's an album I've been looking for for a long, long time. I joined on Sep 14th and I already got that damn CD!! So I owe him a hell of a THANK YOU!!

Anyway, great site. Definitely check it out. His updates are slow, though. rules, too!!