Theocracy Studio Video

Sweet vid dude (though I might suggest some scripting and especially editing of the parts of you speaking at the camera ;)) - I recognize most of the stuff in your rack (and I like the random Mesa stickers on the desk :D), but what's that above the Central Station, as well as above the A2D? And what's that half-rack thing next to your Power Conditioner? And your drummer is fantastically tight; I weep at the prospects of me finding a drummer that solid :cry:

Guitars sound fantastic (though at the risk of being flamed, the only thing I'd change is adding a bit more gain; the lack isn't too noticeable here, but on your 2006 XMAS medley and "O Come Emmanuel" cover in particular I feel the lack of a nice saturated fizz makes the single note parts feel kinda week, and I a similar character in this). What's that silver mic next to the 57? And how do you like that Audix (looks like a D2) on your cab? And way to wear your own band's shirt, real cool :D And I assume that's an 81 in the bridge of the Ninja? (looks like silver lettering, compared with the telltale gold lettering of the 85 in the neck). And what're the details of the bass, it sounds great too! Is the Distressor two channels, or are you just running one thing in there, and does it go before or after the API? And did you take a DI as well as the two mic signals to run through the PSA-1?

Sorry for so many questions dude, but this is a great vid with great sounds, so I'm super curious! :headbang:
Sweet Video dude!

Now what piece of gear were you running the bass through at the end there and were you running a Dir bass track through it or your bass track that was miced?