Studio Video

OzNimbus said:
Which ones did you like? The Events (I'm real curious about those) or the Ns10s? I had a set of 'em years ago, I thought they were ok, but they sure wear you down fast.

I like both of those a lot. The Events are waaay slammin'. Great detail and thumpin' low end. Yeah, NS-10's will get to your ears after awhile but they are still untouchable for mixing as far as I'm concerned.
metalkingdom said:
I like both of those a lot. The Events are waaay slammin'. Great detail and thumpin' low end. Yeah, NS-10's will get to your ears after awhile but they are still untouchable for mixing as far as I'm concerned.

I've been seriously thinking about the Events.... Unfortunatley, I'd probably have to rebuild my soffits for 'em. I like my V8s, but I'd love to have some more bottom to 'em.

I know this super-famous engineer who lives and dies by those V8's. He has scary (in a good way) hearing, too. I like the way that they sound a lot, but they give my ear fatigue quicker than any other monitors that I've come across. It's probably because they sound the best at +90db and higher. I don't know why you're not getting enough lows out of 'em, because they slam hard!!! The ports at the bottom push some serious air. I've never seen them mounted in the soffit before; always on stands behind the console. I know that they have some sort of controls on the back so maybe you should pop 'em out and tweak out a little bit. Or maybe you could get a sub and put it in front of the front soffit between the V8's, and put the Event's on stands as midfields or even nears.
ooops....I was thinking about these not the V8's-

My bad.