Theocracy Update 2/24/08

I'd recommend ulterium records, a very good label with distro in both Europe and USA.

I know the owner of the label so I shall put a good word for you there.

Many albums put out by Rivel Records (run by Narnia's lead singer
Christian Liljegren) have a pretty good presence in secular stores here in Germany.

As diakonos already said Massacre Records have put out several christian albums (Saviour Machine, Rob Rock, Seventh Avenue) as well, which were then also available at the secular stores in Germany.
Hey Matt,

I have an idea for you.

Why don't you "master" a version of the CD yourself, and press 1,000 copies in bulk. They come on spindles, with the information printed on the disc and the audio on them.

You can get them for $600 for 1,000 copies.

1,000 pressed CD's for $600 is only 60 cents per CD.
Or you could try to have like a little "LP jacket sleeve" made, but what's the point? I'd just like to get the music... and have the lyrics online so I can Download them.

Then we get an early version of the CD, and you get the seed money to start your own label.

Then just print a basic information card, and buy Jewel cases to put them in.

Make them a limited edition version, and sell them for $20 each+Shipping.

That would give you roughly about $16K to $19K (depending upon how you finance that initial 1,000 CD pressing) to use as seed money so that you could then be able to start your own label.

Forget the labels - take control of your Destiny!

You'd be out less than $1,000 to press the initial batch. Get each band member to kick in $250, or have some kind of raffle or something?

Double everyone's money up front - so, that as soon as you make the first $1,500 - you give each band member $500. That way they get something out of it, and from that point on - all of the CD's that sell can be used to finance the full version.

See, where the pressing plants get you is on the printing of the booklet... that is their real business. The CD's cost nothing. It's the booklet that they nail you on.

Think about it.
I have. This is the route that my band is going to go. I've watched too many of my friends get virtually nothing, while small labels are making money off of them for a pittance of an investment, and most of these guys are just itching to get something out there. Like you, I've got my own recording setup, so we're going to bypass the middleman, and go straight to the people with the music.

That said, I have a friend who has been involved in CCM since the late 70's; I sent him an E-mail earlier tonight. I hadn't talked to him in a couple of years, but when he gets back to me - I'll E-mail you and put you two together. He's a producer and he's had over 49 #1 hits in Christian Radio, so he might be able to do something for you.
The last I heard he was possibly going to be put into some kind of position at a Christin Label - I don't know what happened there because we weren't in contact for a while.

Man, let me tell you - when you get older - time flies, and you don't realize how fast.

Enjoy your youth while you can!
And keep writing great songs.
