There Are No Words


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
Well, now that I've started to recover from the PP5 virus and my head has stopped buzzing from the intensity of the weekend, maybe I can formulate a somewhat coherent post.

There simply are no words to describe how much fun I had at PP5! Doing this next bit is going to be difficult because I'm really really bad with names, but here goes. :confused: Special thanks are in order for:

Cass -- for waiting in line for food and autographs as well as making sure I was eating properly before Edguy's autograph session and for my early birthday present -- DRAGONFORCE KICKS @SS!

Brent -- for your never-ending enthusiasm for all things metal, your willingness to be a true metal-brother and for the "Shrimp-of-Death" quote at IHOP, still laughing my @ss off bro, I'll write the lyrics soon - "Beware of the shrimp of deaaaaaaaaaaaaaath!"

Glenn -- I think you had something to do with this whole PP5 thingy? j/k - you know I think you rock...

Shane -- for hosting a killer pre-party and being a truly great emcee.

Jon Oliva -- for being a true gentleman and metal brother and spending so much time with the fans who adore you so much! Also, thanks for playing my request, "A Little Too Far" or if it was on the set-list, doing me the honor of pretending like you were playing my request, either way you're the man! :headbang:

Steve "Killdrums" -- for taking the time to talk to a fan and make him feel like the star when it was you all along dude, thanks for throwing me not one, not two but three drumsticks - talking about making my year! :worship:

Chris Caffrey -- for not beating me up when I thought you were Johnny Lee Middleton, I'm so sorry dude, I had never met y'all before! :loco:

Andy & all the guys from BRAINSTORM -- for hanging out and talking with the fans and putting on a killer, killer, KILLER SET including THE LEADING which is my favorite song that you guys do, aaaah! :headbang:

MIDNIGHT & BEN JACKSON -- wow you guys, thanks for showing up and sharing the weekend with us, what about a CRIMSON GLORY reunion at PP6? Also thanks to Midnight for your acoustic set on the 2nd floor of my hotel room at 5:30am - talk about a PP Woodstock! We're not worthy! :worship:

Timo -- thanks for taking the time to talk to a rabid fan, I'm so sorry about what is happening in STRATOVARIUS right now, would give anything for all of you to be at PP6, keep the faith brother, I am behind you always.

Moonlighting members of PYRAMAZE -- thanks for taking the time to remember a Minnesota metal brother, hope to see you guys at a future PP, Melancholy Beast is a fantastic CD! :headbang:

Rob Rock -- the honor you paid me from the stage is one I will never, ever forget in my entire lifetime. Just seeing you perform with Edguy was amazing enough but tossing me the lyric sheet from the stage, that just blew me away. Thanks for making me feel like my fanship is appreciated, I can never thank you enough! :worship:

EDGUY -- umm ... wow? :headbang:

Wuthering Heights, Tad Morose -- for being incredible underdog bands and making incredible performances in your own metal wayz.

Brian & the Minnesota Metal Faction -- dudes, thanks for saying hi to me and identifying yourselves, next time let's all go down together and make sure the world knows that true metal still lives in the great northland! :headbang:

All the wonderful people that hung out with me at the table before the Edguy autograph signing. :D

Samantha -- my Edguy-sister, you're such a sweetie! Nice meeting you! :cool:

All the wonderful PP brothers and sisters that I met on the MARTA within minutes of arriving in a Ivan-drenched Atlanta. I have our picture, email me and I'll send it to all of you!

MAGISTAL -- I don't think I'll ever be able to spell the name of your band correctly, but you guys totally ruled the Pre-Party, can't wait to see you guys perform again! :headbang:

Chuck -- the coolest metal-dad ever! :cool:

To the four metal brothers behind me who let "my girl" in just before the Edguy set, I owe you all a beer at PP6!

To every single amazing human being that said hi to me, gave me horns or otherwise made me realize that this is what metal is all about. I wish I could thank you all personally. Thanks for popping my PP cherry with true metal fury, yeeeee-owwwwwww! :hotjump:

and last but certainly not least...

To Noelle, for you and everything we shared over that amazing weekend, thanks for taking me to the Land of the Miracle! For you my dear, there truly are no words.

All the best,
The SwordLord
WITH THE SHRIMP OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks bro, you had better be back next year or me and the "Lynch Mob" (haha, no pun intended, inside joke with us brother) will come up to minnesota and take yo' ass out of your damn theater!
