There is a red penis in my yard


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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Seriously... wtf is up with those mushrooms????
who made them look like a dog's lipstick?
I dont get it.

hahahaha Hey Noga!
anyway...yes ive seen phallic shrooms before...gross! i remember back in high school, our football field was worn in the center from the season and well from the bleachers it looked like a giant phallic symbol..if i had my year book i would scan the was funny...
Maharet said:
hahahaha Hey Noga!
anyway...yes ive seen phallic shrooms before...gross! i remember back in high school, our football field was worn in the center from the season and well from the bleachers it looked like a giant phallic symbol..if i had my year book i would scan the was funny...
Hahahahaha!!! During my freshman year, someone actually drew a huge dick in the snow on the football field! During Freshman Seminar (yes, my school has a class called Freshman Seminar), we all saw it and thoroughly laughed our asses off. Then my friend Erin walks into the room about 15 minutes later, she'd just gotten back from seeing a doctor about her arm, in a cast. She's told to look out the window, she hobbles over to the window, looks out and yells "OH MY GOD, THERE'S A DICK ON THE FOOTBALL FIELD!"

Phallic mushrooms ... Mother Nature's sex toys.