There Will Be Blood


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Cross posted by me from another forum:

There Will Be Blood was an amazing movie. Daniel Day Lewis deserves any award for Best Actor. The ending was probably the best ending to a film I've seen in quite some time

I caught this movie last night finally (I was the only one at the late viewing too - felt like a King with a huge theater all to my self! It was the late show, and most of you know I work from home for myself so it ending at 1am didn't bother me!).

I agree this movie was absolutely amazing. At 2 hours 38 minutes I was curious if there would be any dull spots, but it did not disappoint at all. Had a few twists and turns along the way as well which was refreshing to see. Daniel Day Lewis is flat out amazing. I loved him in Gangs of New York, and the character he plays in There Will Be Blood was similar in many ways. Most of the acting in this film was above par actually. I highly recommend checking it out.

Another highlight for me was the sound track. Wow. It is more of a - hm how to say this - as opposed to being what you are used to hearing with flowing music and what not, it's more of a mood soundtrack with music and sounds intertwined. For example listen to my favorite sound bit from the movie here (opening sound as the site loads): - I friggin loved when that came on screen - mixed with what's going on in the movie it was just a "chill you to the bone" moment for me. I liken it a bit with the underlying soundtrack to the Texas Chainsaw remake. More mood music than a flowing soundtrack of full orchestra.

ANYwayssss.... a must see. Oh, and I agree with unknown about the ending. The acting there... WOW. I'm curious how much that was scripted and how much it was potentially ad-libbed.
I need to see this again when it's realeased on DVD, I was sorta confused the whole way. But a great acting preformance and the ending was superbly strong.
Music was composed by Johnny Greenwood (Radiohead). Great movie. And I thought the music was excellent.
Well for a bit I thought Paul and Eli were the same person :X I had no idea it was the same person playing 2 roles :lol:

And then his hate for religion I never understood where it came from...especially where he went fucking insane on Eli at the end and when he beat him up after that guy died(I think that's how it happened). And the plot never really seemed to go anywhere...just kinda stagnated around the same thing and then random character explosion