I just got back from seeing this - thankfully it had not be ruined for me before today... but I knew I was pressing my luck ~ and I was DYING to read this thread...
The monster looked like it drug the back of it's body around, like the tail could've been a tenticle and it could throw it around as it pleases - good for swimming - and had the front long arms that, for lack of a better term, were like double jointed.. As if it could raise itself up and down, hence the sizing issue... But I can buy into the possibility of it changing with it's surroundings...
But what I'm wondering; the spawn - if they chow down on folks, do they become that?? I mean, they are technically kids... How fast would they grow?? Probably not that big in 7 hours...
Great movie - the camera stuff was annoying in parts, I just was dying to see the monster; great teases of it throughout and I'm glad you got the up close n' personal view when it ate Hud.. And it's face TOTALLY reminded me of the old movie Beastmaster - remember the guys in the cloaks that would jump up behind the bad guys, get them in their arm webs and disinergrate them?? Before it opens it's mouth to show the teethies there, totally those guys... without the breathing membranes on their heads...
See it on the big screen.. definitely... I would like to see it again to look for the falling from the sky thing...
Oh and I was one of the few that dug Blair Witch too... that kid in the corner at the end ~ FREAKED ME OUT!!!