Cloverfield Discussion - Spoiler Warning!

I despised the Blair Witch Project. I don't know how it would translate from movie screen to computer, but I definitely think the bigger screen would allow you to handle the motion better. If you've seen it and are set on hating it though, don't bother. The camera shots are a turnoff to a lot of people.

Anyway, is anyone else annoyed with the utter LACK of "Monster" pictures on the intarweb?
Unless the filmakers have already confirmed otherwise, I'm actually not 100% convinced it was only one monster. I think it's possible there could've been more. Just speculation of course, but that would certainly provide a logical explanation for some of the illogical appearance/size changes throughout the film.

I was doing a little google (image) search for "Cloverfield Monster pictures", and this popped up. This could be a possibility. Who knows?


I saw that too. It'd explain why so many people thought they'd seen so many different things... however, frankly, I don't think it's face was that ... whaleish.
I was doing a little google (image) search for "Cloverfield Monster pictures", and this popped up. This could be a possibility. Who knows?



the face on that looks exactly like sin (the main enemy) from final fantasy X. the body resembles it but not so much. i dont think that monster is accurate, i remember the head being alot more square, might just be me though.

btw sin also dropped little spawn just like the monster from cloverfield did, they even look similar. sin also only dropped them when he got hit with a missle or gunfire, doesnt the same apply to the cloverfield monster? if that picture is in-fact accurate though, i think its very very possible that that monster was inspired by sin. anyone who has beaten FFX here should agree that the similarity between the picture you have, and sins head are undeniable, i tried finding a good sin picture but had no luck.
It seems most of you sure seemed to like this movie. I just watched an internet copy of this movie ... I thought the movie was horrible. It wasn't the highest quality video in the world, but enough to let me know I didn't like it. I just couldn't deal with the camera work

I'd definitely say it's a movie that needs to be seen on the big screen. The camera work bothered me for the first (mostly worthless) 20 minutes, but didn't affect me too much once the real story began.

The Invisible Guest said:
... reminded me of the Blair Witch Project .. which also was horrible.

Ah... that helps me understand your position a bit more. I really enjoyed Blair Witch with the exception of the constant bickering between the characters that detracted from my ability to sympathize with their plight. Solid atmosphere and story though.

reminded me of the Blair Witch Project .. which also was horrible.

The part that made me think of Blair Witch was near the end when they were under the bridge and the girl started sniveling into the camera. I had the mental - come on, not that Blair Witch crap. I liked it and didn't. There were a couple moments that I found monumentally stupid that completely broke my suspension of disbelief. This is not a problem I normally have. I can usually get completely immersed in a movie and just ignore the inconsistencies so when it happened to me it really broke the momentum of the movie for me.

Another thing we discussed on the way home was that it was kind of weird where the camera guy stopped filming and where he kept filming in weird places. Like they went up 50 flights of stairs and he only turned the camera on for 10 seconds here and there, but when they were in the tunnels, he had the camera on in the complete dark while he was just babbling.

It was good, but I didn't like it as much as Yippee did. I'd see it again though.
I just got back from seeing this - thankfully it had not be ruined for me before today... but I knew I was pressing my luck ~ and I was DYING to read this thread...

The monster looked like it drug the back of it's body around, like the tail could've been a tenticle and it could throw it around as it pleases - good for swimming - and had the front long arms that, for lack of a better term, were like double jointed.. As if it could raise itself up and down, hence the sizing issue... But I can buy into the possibility of it changing with it's surroundings...

But what I'm wondering; the spawn - if they chow down on folks, do they become that?? I mean, they are technically kids... How fast would they grow?? Probably not that big in 7 hours...

Great movie - the camera stuff was annoying in parts, I just was dying to see the monster; great teases of it throughout and I'm glad you got the up close n' personal view when it ate Hud.. And it's face TOTALLY reminded me of the old movie Beastmaster - remember the guys in the cloaks that would jump up behind the bad guys, get them in their arm webs and disinergrate them?? Before it opens it's mouth to show the teethies there, totally those guys... without the breathing membranes on their heads...

See it on the big screen.. definitely... I would like to see it again to look for the falling from the sky thing...

Oh and I was one of the few that dug Blair Witch too... that kid in the corner at the end ~ FREAKED ME OUT!!!