Theres no hope for my XXX !!!!!!!!

go straight to hell and don't waste anyone's time if all you want to do is shit like this.


See, this is where you get rediculous.

And i dont blame gear for anything. I dont "like" some gear. Is that a problem?
You are all acting so pissed because what you suggested didnt help the
amp sound better... I didnt say i knew it all or said none of you knew nothing... But the things I tried from you guys, Didnt give me the desired results. So if that makes you all pissy then , YOU can go straight to hell, Im already in hell so your closing statement isnt relative.

Bottom line I traded it for a 5150, then traded right back, Because I felt like I should at least take time to put a good EQ in the mix, Sell the bad monkey for a better boost. I couldnt justify trading it when its brand new and me not at least trying these things... So I am back with the amp none the less for the time being. But You are making a big deal out of me not liking the sounds that your advices produced, That is MY opinion. And to the fuckwod about the whole biasing thing, that was just retarted, Youre honestly ignorant to think that I meant the amp wasnt biased AT ALL when I said unbiased. Somethings are a given, Like a tube amp being biased from the factory. This is common knowledge that doesnt need to be re-enforced, So therefore you should have the common sense to get the message..."oh hes saying its not bias MODDED, as in REBIASED TO RUN HOTTER/COLDER". Not assume Im saying the goddamn thing wasnt biased at all?? What kind of asshole even brings something as stupid as that up, Ive never seen it done until now congrats on being the first:Smug: . Who sits around and talks about there amp being just "biased". Yes usually when the word Biased is used from my experience it is being used to describe a REBIAS. Not saying the fucking amp wasnt biased at all. IDIOT.

You guys take things completly wrong and then exploit it to justify your pissy attitudes.
I DO appreciate the help and advice, Dont get me wrong, But just as soon as I say
Hey that sucked, Or thats not workin for me, You act like I just fucked your mother.

That is lame, If you didnt like what was going on, Dont fucking post a reply:wave:
Hey fellas,

does the word TROLL ring a bell?

Why don't we just close this thread and get on with it (like SyxStringSlayer did when he wrote /end of thread before he posted 3 more times) ...?

Exactly... Since everybody else felt the need to be cunt whores though,
I figured Id go ahead and post some more, Ending the thread was my original
...i guess "peace offering"... So whatever :)
Since he solved his problem with getting the "allmighty 5150" I think we should all try to lay down our guns and keep it clean in here.
The boards I came from before I found this one were pretty much of that everyday, which would be very sad if it´d happen to this place.
Since he solved his problem with getting the "allmighty 5150" I think we should all try to lay down our guns and keep it clean in here.
The boards I came from before I found this one were pretty much of that everyday, which would be very sad if it´d happen to this place.

Agreed, don’t want to see this forum get fucked up. You fellas give good advice and if someone doesn’t want to take it or at least try it FUCK EM. I personally have learned a shitload from this forum and want to continue to do so, and thanks its much appreciated.
And to the fuckwod about the whole biasing thing, that was just retarted, Youre honestly ignorant to think that I meant the amp wasnt biased AT ALL when I said unbiased. Somethings are a given, Like a tube amp being biased from the factory. This is common knowledge that doesnt need to be re-enforced, So therefore you should have the common sense to get the message..."oh hes saying its not bias MODDED, as in REBIASED TO RUN HOTTER/COLDER". Not assume Im saying the goddamn thing wasnt biased at all?? What kind of asshole even brings something as stupid as that up, Ive never seen it done until now congrats on being the first:Smug: . Who sits around and talks about there amp being just "biased". Yes usually when the word Biased is used from my experience it is being used to describe a REBIAS. Not saying the fucking amp wasnt biased at all. IDIOT.

You know... amp biasing.
Machine heads arent biased.
And the tone is crushing.
There is no talking your way out of that. Not to mention the "bias mod" isn't just biasing the amp to run hotter. You make some changes to the components that allow for a greater range of adjustment then is usually allowed from the factory. People usually do this to tame the fizz. Machineheads tone is "crushing" because they know what they are doing and they had a bit of $ to spend on production.

Thaks for picking fuckwad. I like that one. Good word bro.

"its a given"...I have come across TONS of people that have no clue when it comes to these things so I was being honest when I called you out on it. Look at how many people on here don't or didn't know how to properly connect their head to cab(using proper ohms and a SPEAKER cable). It doesn't bother me much because I am glad they ask. You have to learn somewhere. It is ok to be wrong and admit you are wrong sometimes. Had you not started being an ass to everyone who tried to help you from the start you wouldn't be the laughingstock of the whole forum.
Agreed, don’t want to see this forum get fucked up. You fellas give good advice and if someone doesn’t want to take it or at least try it FUCK EM. I personally have learned a shitload from this forum and want to continue to do so, and thanks its much appreciated.

You dont read very well.

I stated I tried the advice.



And I will 2nd on the last part of your statement....
I would like to continue to be an active member of the
forum and Dont want any of the HC shiot. So LIke I said
thanks and all that good shit and I am willing to continue
with the XXX since I traded it back :goggly: I couldnt
justify trading so quickly since I bought it less than
3 weeks ago..... Although of course, I still love a 5150.
And will have another hopefully running with the XXX:rock:
Well stop telling people IDIOTS, is the first time i see someone insulting other members in this forum. is not healthy, just take their advices or don´t, if you want to be an active member, well, take it easy, people here are generally friendly and kind, and dont needed to be called idiots when they are helping others.
Well stop telling people IDIOTS, is the first time i see someone insulting other members in this forum. is not healthy, just take their advices or don´t, if you want to be an active member, well, take it easy, people here are generally friendly and kind, and dont needed to be called idiots when they are helping others.

It was mostly influenced from the tone of his post.

The tone of alot of peoples posts have sucked basically.
I mean I tried the stuff I liked some better than others
just not quite what Im looking for So I continue to tweak
on it trying different things... Its kind of cool figuring it out
the active EQ makes for alot of free time spent EQing, etc...

His post jsut seemed like he was being overly ... brash
and "didnt fucking try it whatever blah blah" or something.

Oh well... no biggie. Like I said I do appreciate it
I dont want too much hate since Im new to this particular forum.
But the brash posts after Ive already tried to explain
my views or w/e is dumb. It is not needed to get a point across.

Im finding some cool info, I wish there was as many XXX clips
as 5150 clips, But I have found some good ones, Especially
the new ones on another thread that guy posted..
The tone of alot of peoples posts have sucked basically.

I agree completely.

SyxStringSlayer said:
And to the dickheads in the thread thanks for not posting anymore.
So whats wrong with that faggets?
? See,, judging how many "friends i have" from a post on a forum.
What the fuck is that???
You are all acting so pissed because what you suggested didnt help the
amp sound better...
What kind of asshole...
Since everybody else felt the need to be cunt whores though...

If turning the gain down on an XXX makes your amp sound like a Fender, you're using it wrong. It's got more than enough variety and if that's all you get out of it we have to question your ability to turn knobs. Then, when you turn around and act like you know better and that turning the gain down can't help anything - when the first hint given on this board to ANYONE is 'turn the gain down', and with good reason - and people get annoyed, you go between righteous indignation and playing the victim. When you then deny your own post -

SyxStringSlayer said:
Now, I pretty much know, This is due to these fucking shuguang el34 tubes that came with this amp.

- and then keep attacking people and pretend that you know better, you're just going to be entertainment. How much time did you spend with lower gain before you came to the conclusion that it was useless advice that only wasted your time? Judging by the age of this thread... not nearly enough time.

Circuits aren't always biased from the factory, and when they are they might be biased wrong. There are far too many minute variations in components for them to be perfect, and far too many amps to make for everything to be tweaked perfectly on the shelf. High-gain amps are also highly sensitive to small changes, so these little inconsistencies are only brought out more.

I don't know how many people have taken you completely wrong, but I can see that plenty of people who tried to help (and whose only possible mistake may have been not saying 'pretty please with a stripper on top') just got attitude and arrogance, and you yourself seem to have twisted people's words around to help you play victim. Hell, if you had just taken a few more days with lower gain, people would have taken you more seriously when you said that it didn't help. I know that I can't get a good idea of the inner workings of a XXX in just a couple of days, and most here would agree, so unless you're able to travel back in time to spend more time fidgeting or you have a caffeine habit that rivals most of the members of this board put together, you're not going to be taken seriously.

You say that you don't want hate. Neither do we. You, however, are starting more than your fair share of shit, so prove it. Post clips. Spend more time on suggestions. That's what'll make people think you're going to be a regular and not a troll.

I dont have any recording software... Im not really much on recording at home. I generally just use a computer mic to record guitar tracks so I can listen to them and add/change parts. And helps with forgetting fairly newer riffs.

So most guys with clips are using sm57's etc.
Which is cool I just never invested in the stuff
for doing that... I probably should for those days
when Im not practicing and feel like making some
good sounding recordings....
a whole bunch of typing


I enjoy reading your posts when you reply to things like this... always lots of typing from you... very informative stuff.

So basically... the guy getting ragged on jumped to a conclusion... WAY before getting to know anyone...

I found its best to keep your mouth shut, or in this case, stop typing until you learn the personalities behind the words...

... nine times out of ten you will mistake sarcasm for sincerity... anger for sarcasm... and the like...

so... everyone, for the sake of continuing with how things were before these ugly threads... lets...

ah, fuck it... keep ripping him apart, makes for entertaining reading...:lol:
I enjoy reading your posts when you reply to things like this... always lots of typing from you... very informative stuff.

So basically... the guy getting ragged on jumped to a conclusion... WAY before getting to know anyone...

I found its best to keep your mouth shut, or in this case, stop typing until you learn the personalities behind the words...

... nine times out of ten you will mistake sarcasm for sincerity... anger for sarcasm... and the like...

so... everyone, for the sake of continuing with how things were before these ugly threads... lets...

ah, fuck it... keep ripping him apart, makes for entertaining reading...:lol:

Dudes just drop it from the level its at.

Is it really worth your finger energy to type
about it anymore?

I dont have any recording software... Im not really much on recording at home. I generally just use a computer mic to record guitar tracks so I can listen to them and add/change parts. And helps with forgetting fairly newer riffs.

So most guys with clips are using sm57's etc.
Which is cool I just never invested in the stuff
for doing that... I probably should for those days
when Im not practicing and feel like making some
good sounding recordings....

No wonder you aren't getting these tones!!!!!! What you are hearing is a recording with processing and several tracks. This isn't exactly what it sounds like out of the cab.
No wonder you aren't getting these tones!!!!!! What you are hearing is a recording with processing and several tracks. This isn't exactly what it sounds like out of the cab.

Yeah see the thing about it, I was going for a true live sound.
I want the best possible live sound... And I knwo ive said
the 5150 gave me a great one... Im hoping to find a good
live/band situation raw sound in this XXX. In due time I think it will come...
Ok....Basically this whole thread has been misunderstood from the start.

This guy is NOT recording his amp. He expects to get these tones straight from his cab.

The whole turn down the gain thing is generally a tip given to people who are recording their amps because with the gain way down it thickens up when you double/quad track.

The reason you aren't getting the tone that you want is because you are asking how to get a live sound from in recording forum. Regardless of your tubes and overdrive and everything else, you will not get the sound you hear from these recordings. There are many things that shape the tone after it comes out of the cab.

Just my "smartass point that doesn't matter" :notworthy