Therion 9/26 Review


Sep 30, 2005
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BEST SHOW THIS YEAR.

After a lousy drive in the rain I pulled up to the Pearl Room and got my own VIP parking. It looked like the show was cancelled. I pulled up at like 6:45 and the show started at 7 and there was no one there. After I walked in and saw 15 people in the club....I thought two things...first...Oh Shit...they added locals. Second was that they are going to start this thing even later until people start showing up.

I saw Orbweaver and Al up front and joined them and Ken showed up too. It was really nice to see everyone and have people to talk to. For the next 45 minutes it was empty....maybe like 30 people. I got to also meet The Micheal (progpower board poster who looks like the keyboard player from Rhapsody). After waiting for 1 hour and 20 minutes I beleive...Aesma Daeva came out. Great vocals but lousy band. Nothing grabbed me and everyone in the crowd was bored silly it seemed. Near the end of the set they said they had two covers and that was it. They said the covers were very popular songs. The first one was a Kate Bush song no one knew. The second was some classic opera thing. Finally they were over. It seemed now there was maybe almost 200 people there...not a good turnout for a great show.

About 30 minutes later Therion came out. DEAR FUCKING GOD!!!!! With the first song just starting I was getting in my place and had my hand on the speaker and before I could even look up Snowy Shaw was running out and nearly crushed my hand. He was a sight to see....looked like a gay viking. Had these furry boots, black skirt, this half shirt hood thing and his makeup and these real odd arm bands. The Micheal said he looked like Link from the old Zelda game. The sheer intensity from this band is so hard to describe. Even with a not so big crowd you would have thought they were playing Waken. Having the 4 singers (yes 4 singers) on stage was incredible and very intense. When they were not singing they were acting. It was kind of uncomfortable to watch at times(more on that later) but it made for a very theatrical show. They just kept on blazing through song after song without really stopping. Snowy Shaw is a great front man who gets the crowd pumped. The two female singers are also incredible. the one was from Aesema Daeva and the other looked like a gothic version of Pam from the Office. If you gave her any eye contact she would look at you and do weird stuff. All the singers would act out on stage and stuff. It was neat to watch. Snowy Shaw slapped the bassist in the balls grabbed one girls breast and so on.

they played these songs..not in this order...I may miss some

Der Mitternachtlowe
Falling Stone
Arrow From the Sun
Blood of Kingu
Son of the Son
Wine of Alguh
Perential Sofia
Tuna (drum solo) which ended up being cool with both male singers having a dueling drum stick sword fight and playing on two different drums.
Cult of Shadows
Rise of Sodom and Gammora
To Mega Therion
Thor (Manowar Cover)

there were one or two that I missed.

Some of the highlights were.........

watching everyone getting more and more crazy on stage and in the crowd and watching Al, Orbweavers boyfreind get more and more bored and finally Snowy Shaw busting him out on stage. funny as hell.

My back and neck kill from drunk The Micheal punching and jumping on me. Thank god he went and started a pit because after 5 songs of someone hugging on me and punching was getting old but funny.

the old guy up front and center. He must have taken his kids and he was front row laughing and having a great time....more so than Al was.

watching the one dark haired singer. She was nuts...but sexy. She had that stick whip and she accidentally hit the other male singer in the leg. She totally jumped and he looked surprised. If she caught you looking at her she would do weird stuff.

just the acting and costumes were great....even the pirate dracula costume that one guy had on.

I will think of more later...just beat from the best show this year.

for those who missed out...for shame. this is going to be the last time you will ever see them play the states unless it is some huge fest thing. It was sad to see them leave knowing that this was it. Such incredible stage presence with all four singers in front. damn....I wish they were playing next week and the week after and the week after that.
Yeah...Snowy Shaw is an amazing front man. He really knows how to work a crowd and not have it be cheesey.

Another great thing about this one opening act. Dear God that was nice. I am tired of these 4 or 5 band shows. Even three is pushing it at times.
Just makes me even angrier that there was no Atlanta date. One of my favorite bands. Glad I got to see them once at ProgPower a couple years ago.

As for Aesma Daeva they are an acquired taste I guess. I have their latest album and I like it a lot, but its not highly energetic music. Their first album was more avante-garde, whereas their latest is basically operatic doom. They are very talented though.
Therion was an absolute blast. You guys all rule. :worship:

I actually don't like mosh pits very much, so I was more trying to keep an isolated one that wouldn't annoy the people around us too much but allow the people getting into the set to have a little fun.

The Michael
it was great meeting you...I have seen you posting for a while on the ProgPower board and it was nice to put a face to a name. you were cracking me up the whole night. Everytime I turned around you were dancing around with someone else. that show was a blast!!!
Too bad there wasnt a better turn out for their last Chicago show. I'd wager to say that the last time they played there was a larger turnout but then again that may have been at a different venue.