These people should die

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
People who don't know the answer to any of these questions should die a horrible death.


Need to be a basic 20 questions on the back of your ballot, if you get any of them wrong your vote doesn't count.

I proposed something like this in a paper for a history class once. I think it was something along the lines of a basic competency test included with your voter registration forms.
Videos like this where you don't really see the person asking the questions makes me think twice.
Its super easy to edit videos and add sounds in..or even someone asking someone else questions. They could totally be asking the people different questions and then putting it on as though the person was as dumb as hell.

But uhh... on a side note, there are some pretty retarded people out there so perhaps im wrong on the subject.
Yes, there ARE many dumb people, no matter where they are from.

But still, nothing tops the "which countries are in the Axis of Evil?" question, and the guy responds with "California" as one. Not just because it's NOT EVEN A COUNTRY, but it's a state in the same country which created the term "Axis of Evil".

I can forgive the guy for responding with "Germany", mainly because he was probably thinking of the Axis Powers in WWII. He's still an idiot, but at least he's thinking.

Or how about, "Name one country that starts with the letter 'U'.


Pistol to the temple. Pull the trigger.
Yes, there ARE many dumb people, no matter where they are from.

But still, nothing tops the "which countries are in the Axis of Evil?" question, and the guy responds with "California" as one.

That answer could easily have been sarcasm, stemming out of disdain for the state as a whole. If Jerry were asked that question he'd probably answer the same. That's what LA can do to ya :p
If stupid people shoot themselves, it won't matter because more stupid people will be born anyways. It's a waste of time to worry about it so hard. Be glad you're not one of them.
There's an old Italian saying that's kinda like this:

The mother of idiots is always pregnant.

But Al Murray cracks me up


That answer could easily have been sarcasm, stemming out of disdain for the state as a whole. If Jerry were asked that question he'd probably answer the same. That's what LA can do to ya :p

L.A. is the suck... The next time you guys come to California you should come to Northern Cal.
Need to be a basic 20 questions on the back of your ballot, if you get any of them wrong your vote doesn't count.

My American Literature professor suggested this as well in class a few weeks ago. His example for this reasoning was a man who saw Hawaii plates on his car while in Nebraska and asked him, "So, didja drive here from Hawaii?" In response to the gas station attendant's question regarding destination, my professor said Boston, and the man proceeded to ask if he would make it there that very night...from NEBRASKA. People like this should indeed be exempt from voting, but not killed...jeez.
Good luck filling out the manual labor and blue collar jobs when your world is survived by nothing but intellectuals.

edit: I didn't really mean "your" world, of course I'd still be there!