These people should die

We have a tendency to compare everything to our home; I think everyone does that, however, no matter where they're from. The difference, in my opinion, is that we tend to not just compare, but judge.
Empirically speaking I must admit that even the most able and wordly of Americans I've met still have an Americo-centrality that they don't even seem to realise. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Yes I agree with you, Derek.

But you'll notice that other cultures have it too: just not as much as Americans.
Then when you'll think about the reasons why Americans have 'it':
you'll come to a conclusion that it has a lot to do with the way they are geographically, and the way this culture started since the first days of independence.
...and Chris: while I agree with you about the education system here being SHIT, and maybe about the fact that relatively speaking this country would have more dumb people than others, - I can tell you, that I may not have travelled all over the world: but I travelled enough to discover: dumb idiots are everywhere….

You know, I’ve heard from Europeans so many dumb things about America, that you can easily compare it to those dumb things Americans say about Europe…

“Isn’t New Mexico in South America?”

“Be careful in NYC Karen, there are many gangs there, it’s dangerous”

“Washington is in Seattle”
“No, Washington DC is the state; Seattle is the city inside of it”

“I don’t understand why you move to the US and not back to Canada… like Alaska or something… that’s a a cool place”

All real things, I SWEAR!!
We have a tendency to compare everything to our home; I think everyone does that, however, no matter where they're from. The difference, in my opinion, is that we tend to not just compare, but judge.

Yep, that's how I've experienced it too. It doesn't really bother me though. I find the stereotypical American more annoying than most other stereotypes (except maybe the French!), but plenty of the Yanks on Tour are wonderful folks.

That I would sleep with. And have.

...and Chris: while I agree with you about the education system here being SHIT, and maybe about the fact that relatively speaking this country would have more dumb people than others, - I can tell you, that I may not have travelled all over the world: but I travelled enough to discover: dumb idiots are everywhere….

You know, I’ve heard from Europeans so many dumb things about America, that you can easily compare it to those dumb things Americans say about Europe…

“Isn’t New Mexico in South America?”

“Be careful in NYC Karen, there are many gangs there, it’s dangerous”

“Washington is in Seattle”
“No, Washington DC is the state; Seattle is the city inside of it”

“I don’t understand why you move to the US and not back to Canada… like Alaska or something… that’s a a cool place”

All real things, I SWEAR!!

Hmm, well the 4th example is an opinion , an ignorant one but still an opinion (unless you mean they thought Alaska was in canada, then its lol). The 3rd example is simply someone confusing Washington DC with Washington State, the 2nd example is just a stereotype of NYC. And the 1st example is just someone thinking "Hmm, Mexico, it's below the US, South America" without thinking properly.

They are a little different to thinking a triangle has four sides :lol:
and never underestimate video editing. For all we know they could have said "WAIT NO!, THREE" but of course we wouldn't see that.
and never underestimate video editing. For all we know they could have said "WAIT NO!, THREE" but of course we wouldn't see that.

I honestly hope that was what happened. I personally have never met anyone, American or not, as dumb as the people in those videos.

I'm sure they went through about 1000 to get the five dumbasses.
...and Chris: while I agree with you about the education system here being SHIT, and maybe about the fact that relatively speaking this country would have more dumb people than others, - I can tell you, that I may not have travelled all over the world: but I travelled enough to discover: dumb idiots are everywhere….

You know, I’ve heard from Europeans so many dumb things about America, that you can easily compare it to those dumb things Americans say about Europe…

“Isn’t New Mexico in South America?”

“Be careful in NYC Karen, there are many gangs there, it’s dangerous”

“Washington is in Seattle”
“No, Washington DC is the state; Seattle is the city inside of it”

“I don’t understand why you move to the US and not back to Canada… like Alaska or something… that’s a a cool place”

All real things, I SWEAR!!

Yeah, the New Mexico thing is worthy of a smack in the balls.

The NYC thing is funny because there are gangs everywhere. Europeans, at least western Europeans, are so SAFE that living the way we do in the states is so foreign to them, like, "What?!?!? You mean I have to avoid a certain place at night?!?! Why?" They're just naive, that's all.

But you can't really blame people for not knowing each and every state. I mean, could ANYONE from the US tell me (without looking it up on the net) where the Campagna region is and what it's capital city is? Or what the major city of Friuli is? Or Reggio Calabria? Probably not because all we know usually are cities, not regions. It's the same with states. All the vampires here want to go to New Orleans but they don't know what state it's in...they just know that there was a big hurricane there. That's normal.

Thinking Alaska belongs to Canada is hilarious. Alaska sucks ass, btw. Lived there for 3 years. One of the most beautiful places on earth, again ruined by the dumb people who live there.

But not knowing who Tony Blair is, not knowing that Austria doesn't have anything to do with Australia, not knowing the currency in the UK, thinking that one of the Axes of Evil is JERUSALEM (not even a country), then thinking that Islam is the main religion of Israeli people, then thinking that The West Bank is a corporation on the other side of the city...that's a completely different matter. These people need help.
I had several reasons for getting out of the military, such as I wanted to keep my life in Italy, the military had become something it wasn't supposed to be, etc., but the one thing that really made me get out was the overt stupidity I saw every single day by many Americans.

I remember one day while I was sitting around watching the news after I got back from the great sandbox, and I don't remember what it was but someone said something incredibly stupid on television.

I realized that everyone serving in the military, everyone who jumped on the "freedom" bandwagon, all the people serving like my friends, family, etc., even ME...of course it goes without saying fighting a bogus war is a mistake, but what really stuck in my craw was the fact that we were serving our country and protecting people's rights....including the right to be STUPID. Americans feel that they have a RIGHT to be stupid and ignorant...that really started to piss me off and I decided that I didn't want to get my ass shot off for some dumbass who doesn't know how many sides a triangle has.

I felt like why should I put my life on the line so people could be fat dumb and happy and oblivious to the world around them?

It also made me very sad.

Here's the entire video:

It's pretty disgusting that those people will freely just decide "What country to invade next". I mean for fucks sake.
^ I wasn't born in America, and I'm not American.
But I live here, and living here really opened my eyes- towards many many things.

Plus, I believe that ALWAYS look at anything objectively; even your own country.
I know that many things suck here (hell, I'll be the first to admit that) but at the same time: many of the assumptions of "ALL AMERICANS ARE DUMB"
come from the same ignorance you see on those videos....