These people should die

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it

I know damn well America is FAR insuperior to a lot of countries out there. Our governments corrupt, this country is going down the drain, the average American is an idiot. But most Europeans have turned into fucking pussies compared to what your ancestors were. You wouldn't last a month here. I'm proud to be from the ghetto, I'm proud to be from Houston. That's my patriotism.

I'm also very drunk so don't quote me on that.
I know damn well America is FAR insuperior to a lot of countries out there. Our governments corrupt, this country is going down the drain, the average American is an idiot. But most Europeans have turned into fucking pussies compared to what your ancestors were. You wouldn't last a month here. I'm proud to be from the ghetto, I'm proud to be from Houston.

I'm also very drunk so don't quote me on that.

That's kinda what I was getting at earlier...they're so sheltered here that it makes me wonder how they'd even survive anywhere else. It could be looked at as a good and a bad thing.

We have a problem with men being big pussies here, aside from metalheads, usually.
But hold on there, dude. The vast majority of the world doesn't know basic knowledge? Have you been all over the world and spoken to the vast majority? This is a generalized statement that just proves you have no idea what you're talking about.
well actually dude, the vast majority of the world population lives in China, India, or some third-world shithole. they dont even know what the fuck is going on in their own goddamn country (except people in cities), let alone world politics, geography, geometry, etc. they know how to fucking grow rice. OMG GENIUSES!@
If you want to be defensive about it, fine, but back your shit up with some facts and not the typical easily-offended American response, "WELL EVERYONE ELSE IS STUPID TOO!!!!"
you're falling into this dude's trap a little bit believing his heavily edited and comedic video showing how dumb we all are. anyone could go to Sydney and make the same video in a few hours time. im sure they ran into plenty of people who knew all their answers, but once they got 3 in a row they said "thanks" and moved on to someone who looked stupid. i know and acknowledge that there are stupid people in america, i deal with them every day! this video really proves nothing, its just good for a laugh. i mean come on, does anyone know or give a fuck who the fucking prime minister of Australia is? give me break.
I'm proud to be out of the Ghetto. The Ghettos are what is destroying America.

We know. And we all look forward to the day we leave it. Going to school in Third Ward is a horrible way to grow up.

But I've survived the jumpings, the muggings, even been involved in some shootings. "I didn't do any of course. Guns are for pussies". And now despite the fact that I look like a heathen and speak proper English, I've generally become liked by everyone from gang members to drug dealers.

Like I said I'm drunk, on two handlebars, and talking out of my ass, but when you grow up in this environment you get a swelling beam of pride from it. Ghettos are a horrible thing, but they're also a sense of comradery.
i mean come on, does anyone know or give a fuck who the fucking prime minister of Australia is? give me break.

I do. John Howard went against just about the entire Australian population to support the war in Iraq, basically just to bring their ties closer to the US. He chose political leverage over his own people.

People should be aware of the world around them and how they may be perceived just by being a certain nationality. Knowing other countries' customs and cultures and attitudes can literally save your life sometimes, but this isn't about that. This is just about not being an ostrich.
I find it humorous these politicians are obviously doing everything but what the public wants, but no one makes an attempt to solve the issue by killing them. Where are the old ways, where if you weren't liked, you had to be paranoid?
Supposedly we live in a civilized society, where people must face the legal system if they have committed crimes or in this case, just be voted out of office, which is what happened. John Howard has since left office.

When I hear comments like, "Bush is from Texas, so he must be right", even though that's a little joke it's still beyond comprehension for me. Sometimes I feel that we deserve the shit sandwich we're eating because we're all sheep.
I do. John Howard went against just about the entire Australian population to support the war in Iraq, basically just to bring their ties closer to the US. He chose political leverage over his own people.

People should be aware of the world around them and how they may be perceived just by being a certain nationality. Knowing other countries' customs and cultures and attitudes can literally save your life sometimes, but this isn't about that. This is just about not being an ostrich.
yeh, that was more just a silly comment, not the point of my post.
It's pretty disgusting that those people will freely just decide "What country to invade next". I mean for fucks sake.

Back to this point, am I the only one who is pretty horrified that people actually have to arrogance and moral indecency to think "Yeah we'll invade france next"