These people should die

Back to this point, am I the only one who is pretty horrified that people actual have to arrogance and moral indecency to think "Yeah we'll invade france next"

I loved it when he put the name France over Australia and asked those two douchebags from which side they would invade.

Or how about the guy who didn't realize how "big" North Korea was? Here's the thing:

They probably DID go through hundreds of people to get to these retards, but people this dumb shouldn't even be alive...not in the sense that we should kill them, but rather that they should never have been born. Even if it's a .01% statistic that someone is this dumb, it shouldn't exist anyway. It should be 0% of the people in the US are this retarded.
I loved it when he put the name France over Australia and asked those two douchebags from which side they would invade.

Or how about the guy who didn't realize how "big" North Korea was? Here's the thing:

They probably DID go through hundreds of people to get to these retards, but people this dumb shouldn't even be alive...not in the sense that we should kill them, but rather that they should never have been born. Even if it's a .01% statistic that someone is this dumb, it shouldn't exist anyway. It should be 0% of the people in the US are this retarded.
you're so Amerocentric its disgusting!

But hold on there, dude. The vast majority of the world doesn't know basic knowledge? Have you been all over the world and spoken to the vast majority? This is a generalized statement that just proves you have no idea what you're talking about. If you want to be defensive about it, fine, but back your shit up with some facts and not the typical easily-offended American response, "WELL EVERYONE ELSE IS STUPID TOO!!!!"

Unless you're full of money, we Americans don't have the opportunities to see other cultures as easily as Europeans, due to the fact that we're a huge country and we live an ocean away. This is a big setback for us.

But American schools are shit, dude...let's face it. What European students study as a sophomore in high school, American students are studying as a freshman or sophomore in college. We need to fix our education system.

I'm all for the idea of EARNING your right to vote by answering a few simple questions to determine your knowledge about the world around you. I don't want a bunch of people who think the world is flat to have the power to vote.

haha.first of all I'm european not american.I got you with the fact that americans don't really know much about european cultures...believe me,a lot of times I've been asked if I talk russian or french because "you are all talking the same language there,don't you?" or italian because "I looked up the map,you are near by Italy"...
american schools are shit and not...back in my country you learn in high-school things you probably learn here in college,like you've said...but the problem is those things are so complicated for that age and the amount of information is so great,that you gotta be a genius in order to process all that instead of that,95% just learn the basic of the basic in order to graduate...
and no,I haven't been all around the world in order to say that the vast majority of the population of the earth is dumb and ignorant.but think,take the africans,the indians,probably a big part of chinese or other south-eastern asian populations,even central and some parts of South America you think basic knowledge is something important for them?probably most of those guys don't have what to eat,why would they care about basic knowledge in the first place?
That's kinda what Neal was saying as well...that's a good point about many of the highly populated and poor(er) countries have very little knowledge about the world due to their surroundings, and I agree with this. But this also furthurs my point at the same time! The US is THE MOST POWERFUL nation on earth, yet there are people there who view basic, common knowledge in the same way as someone from a destitute and impoverished country, just trying to eat every day...both feel it's not important.

It's just my opinion, but as much as we go on about ourselves, you'd think that we'd have the best education system as well when in fact, we have a piss-poor one.

Do you ever notice that when we brag about our accomplishments, we always speak in the past tense? The classic one: "If it weren't for us, you'd all be speaking German right about now!!!"

It probably would've been an improvement in the long run anyway, :lol:.
haha.first of all I'm european not american.I got you with the fact that americans don't really know much about european cultures...believe me,a lot of times I've been asked if I talk russian or french because "you are all talking the same language there,don't you?" or italian because "I looked up the map,you are near by Italy"...
american schools are shit and not...back in my country you learn in high-school things you probably learn here in college,like you've said...but the problem is those things are so complicated for that age and the amount of information is so great,that you gotta be a genius in order to process all that instead of that,95% just learn the basic of the basic in order to graduate...
and no,I haven't been all around the world in order to say that the vast majority of the population of the earth is dumb and ignorant.but think,take the africans,the indians,probably a big part of chinese or other south-eastern asian populations,even central and some parts of South America you think basic knowledge is something important for them?probably most of those guys don't have what to eat,why would they care about basic knowledge in the first place?

Is your space-bar broken? That was the hardest thing to read ever.
haha.first of all I'm european not american.I got you with the fact that americans don't really know much about european cultures...believe me,a lot of times I've been asked if I talk russian or french because "you are all talking the same language there,don't you?" or italian because "I looked up the map,you are near by Italy"...
american schools are shit and not...back in my country you learn in high-school things you probably learn here in college,like you've said...but the problem is those things are so complicated for that age and the amount of information is so great,that you gotta be a genius in order to process all that instead of that,95% just learn the basic of the basic in order to graduate...
and no,I haven't been all around the world in order to say that the vast majority of the population of the earth is dumb and ignorant.but think,take the africans,the indians,probably a big part of chinese or other south-eastern asian populations,even central and some parts of South America you think basic knowledge is something important for them?probably most of those guys don't have what to eat,why would they care about basic knowledge in the first place?

Hey, Chris and the rest,
I've always had this theory, that I wonder how accurate it really is...
give me your thoughts:
I've always came to the conclusion, that the reason people judge America so much, is because everything around them is American: TV is American, Movies: mainly are American, music: most of the popular music nowadays comes from America, on the news: you'll see America all the time:
My point is: Do you think people tend to judge America more, because they think they 'know and understand' it, because that's what they have around them a lot?
I rememebr when I lived in Holland, many of my Ducth friends thought Americas are a cross between the idiots you see talk on the news, and the idiots you see on Jerry Springer/ Rikcky Lake....
Silly no doubt: but that's what they saw: so that's what they knew....

Agree completely. The media probably has 75% to do with the image other nations see. Another thing, the US is FUCKING HUGE. Europeans who've never been there cannot even grasp the fact that it takes just as long to get from Florida to Texas as it does to travel the entire length of Italy. My students tell me all the time that they want to do a cross-country tour of the US, and when I tell them that it takes about a week to travel coast to coast by car sightseeing, they simply can't believe it. This means that they don't realize that there's a huge difference between living in Texas and living in San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, NYC, etc. Americans are mostly the same as Europeans in their views and ideas, but differ drastically in the fact that we Americans are rabidly fanatic about our country. The only time Europeans show pride in their country is when they're in the World Cup...except for the UK. The English, Irish, Welsh, and Scots are also rabidly fanatic as well about their homeland.

I have to say that I don't know one single European who judges Americans based on what they see on television...they actually realize that we're all individuals and they treat us as individuals, not a collective. They may have certain stereotypes about us, but they realize that they are themselves stereotyped as well. I think they are annoyed by American tourists, not Americans as a whole. American tourists are typically ignorant of the culture around them when they travel, and typically complain that, "We do it THIS way in the US, why can't you be more like us?" That's where the "stupid American" stereotype comes in. Americans and Germans are two of the worst types of tourists, although Germans are a little worse because they're much more rigid than Americans.

However, they typically do not like the military community, but that doesn't have anything to do with Americans as a whole. They realize that the military community around the world is like a radical sect of American people and don't base all opinions just on the military.

Europeans are fascinated by Americans in both good and bad ways. Almost every day I answer questions of how it is to live in the US, how it is to work, things like that. I break it down to them like this: working in the US is a whole shitload better than working in Europe, but living in Europe is much better than living in the US. Europeans want(ed) to work in the US for a couple of years and then return to their homeland...they don't want to live forever in the US. Now that the Euro is kicking ass, that's changing a little. Their biggest fear is our lack of social structure, job security, etc. Here you can go to the finest universities for about 1000 euros per year, IF your family is middle class. If you are somewhat poor, it's free. The same with health benefits. Europe takes care of its people much, much better than the US, but we've still got our problems too. I'm frustrated every single day about something here in Italy that in the US wouldn't even be an issue.

Things like public toilets. WTF is up with public Italian toilets? They're a porcelain hole in the ground...disgusting. In Greece you can't even flush toilet paper, you have to throw it in the garbage...blech. That's like borderline third world, in my opinion.

The US is more convenient and better structured than Europe in all the ways you can think of from a consumer's point of view. But if you want to raise a family and lead a safe, healthy life, you're going to have a few more obstacles in the US if you aren't upper-middle class. In Europe EVERYONE is guaranteed the same benefits; it's not according to how much you pay.

In short, Europeans like the US for it's consumer value, not it's quality of life.
The sooner we realise this debate is all tautology, nationalism is ridiculous and get on with swallowing the entropic cycle by fucking until we're all one race/colour/nation the better!

This is getting boring. Almost yawnsome. I don't want to debate with an American, I WANT US TO BUY BEER AND MEAT AND EAT UNTIL WE BURST. How's that for diplomatic relations!?

I'm looking at you...derick, neal, lordy, kevsauce, russell, william, fouly, frankopops, danneegalleeee etc.