They're only emo cause you made them that way... before, emos were like that...

I made that last year:

People continue to laugh at the emos because they look vulnerable and they are pathetic. Just the fact of screaming EMOOOS! when we see one in the street makes me laugh, yeah it's a very immature reaction but it's innate...:erk:
SylviasRavenWolfe said:
omg the thread made flames, haha, thats pretty cool seeing as you all sem to hate me, lol, well i'll fight, i had to fight at the Wednesday boards to to finally be accepted and i'll fight here to, not like ill ever meet any of you anyway

OMG you still here????
SylviasRavenWolfe said:
omg the thread made flames, haha, thats pretty cool seeing as you all sem to hate me, lol, well i'll fight, i had to fight at the Wednesday boards to to finally be accepted and i'll fight here to, not like ill ever meet any of you anyway

okay, dude. what was your name on the wednesday board? you actually fought with emlyn there? wow.
haha this is fun, it's amusing that you think i'll be affected by your so called "Bashing", yes i am trying to be accepted only so that everytime i post someone wont come along and insult me for no reason, but if i can't be accepted here then oh well, i don't know any of you people what does it matter, sure i like to make friedns over the net but if i can't no big deal.
Wanna be accepted? Then stop trying and start posting. No one will shoo you if you simply shut up about yourself, stop attention whoring and simply comment stuff on threads. Just don't be like 90% of the twats in this forum and people will think you're cool.
BloodyScalpel said:
Wanna be accepted? Then stop trying and start posting. No one will shoo you if you simply shut up about yourself, stop attention whoring and simply comment stuff on threads. Just don't be like 90% of the twats in this forum and people will think you're cool.
wow, someone who actually gives me some good advice! thank you.
Arsham said:
is that the only place you can make friends??

lol, no, i do have friends out in the real world, but it's fun to meet people over the internet, even if everyone is so paraniod about internet predators
SylviasRavenWolfe said:
lol, no, i do have friends out in the real world, but it's fun to meet people over the internet, even if everyone is so paraniod about internet predators

i've never met people who i talk to on forums, but i've met poeple who i play games with, its pretty cool...