Things kicking your ass lately?


New Metal Member
Oct 4, 2002
Batman, the animated series
It's so dark and stuff. And one of the best theme/intro songs for a series (right with king of the hill) Lots of good stories, and great musical score

Jacob's Ladder, AMAZING movie, totally,'s got EVERYTHING. Titties, explosions, crazy demons, titties, and explosions(peoples heads)...oh and blood..lots....and with all that, comes a great storyline.

STOP IT, YOU'RE KILLING ME!!!! -Next In Line/Jacob's Ladder

I haven't been heavily into any particular music lately *shrugs*

I've also been in the process of getting Zelda episodes from 89
oh, and when he falleth is still one of the greatest songs ever written

and spirited away/princess mononookeoe still rules
I will still go with Scarface, the greatest lines ever in a movie, the new DVD rules.

"I have ywo things in this world, my balls, and my word, and I don't break them for nobody."

Tony Montana was the man.
Oh, and I would have to say Grimfist kicked my ass, I wasn't ready for the oldschool deth thrash they put out, intense, I can't get enough of it.
yeah ive wanted to see jacob's ladder for awhile now, their always out of it at blockbuster though
just my luck lol
People with pens or really sharp pencils

And chicks who look like Cronos, That kicks my ash

RP I'll post a pic of this lady,she is a twin of Cronos

Very disturbing
when I was about 3....I went to my mom's friends apartment and began watching that movie and about 40-60 minutes through I had to leave

since then, I've never discovered the ending to that movie

it's been on my mind for 13 years
I've also been in the process of getting Zelda episodes from 89
as am i...they kicked my ass...
"Swing your arms from side to side, come on its time to go do the Mario! Take one step and then again, come on its time to go do the Mario! All together now!!"
Wolftribe said:
No, just a little more grumpier.... they look as cheery as teletubbies

i agree they should be a little more pissed off, the big smile isn't your typical viking look